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History: Video Clips

Preview of version: 73

Video Clips project



This information video project is about the Tiki community. The audience learns about the Wiki Way (i.e., its model) to make software. Three to five video clips are produced, each of which lasts approximately 3-4 minutes. These info-video-clips are interviews of those who are involved in the Tiki community. Interviews can be conducted over the internet and broadcast is Creative Commons Licence 2.5 version compliant. Then, the clips are embedded in as many free video distribution platforms as possible.


The target audience is threefold:

  1. Developers (guerrilla programmers and trained programmers) and technology decision makers.
  2. Companies like ISPs and SMBs who advise and help clients in the use of web applications solutions.
  3. Organizations who serve Fortune 500 companies.

Questions being asked during the interviews?

The idea is that each person being interviewed prepares his/her own set of questions. Here are some

  • Is Tiki a long-term project for you?
  • Some say that Tiki is not a Content Management System but a Community Management System. What is your take on it? How about Ecosystems?
  • Where are the plug-ins in Tiki?
  • What does this mean: "The WIKI way to build software"?
  • Your plan is to release early and often. How often?
  • Every community within Tiki is interdependent. If a group builds/integrates a functionality, up to a significant quality, it can then be integrated into the core and released quickly to the community. Is this why Tiki.org different for other intelligent ecosystem?
  • Developers need to be ready so that their contribution becomes available to all. Isn't that frustrating and "anti-competitive"?
  • What are the strengths of Tiki: For example, the use and integration of jQuery, Zend, Smarty, etc. Since your familiar with Tiki.org, if you had to go back in time, would you still recommend this CMS Groupware?
  • What do you mean by "Everyone is Co-Captain"?
  • How can Tiki be good at everything?
  • Can a Tiki web site look like anything I want it to?
  • What do the 3 simple rules mean (Respect the Environment; Commit early, Commit often; and Make it Optional)?
  • In Tiki, pretty much all the functionality is offered in the "core". Why are some developers concerned about Tiki's perceived lack of modularity. Is this a concern?
  • Let's say I have a Buleting Board System that is profitable. I wish to migrate it, to expand and plan for the long term. Can the Tiki CMS Groupware help me?


Interviews at the present time are being conducted via the Web. Using skype with side screens. Your welcome to submit your project

Who participated so far

So far, here are the people that participated in the interviews:

  • Gary Cunningham-Lee

Gary has approved the release in January 2011.
It is now up to Daniel to re-do the said clip or to post the source code on the tv.tiki.org side.
See do and cross-out item number 3 about this clip

How is one interview taking place?

Those who accept to be interviewed should be fairly prepared and pick two or three questions written down.

The video-clips will be timeless and “spaceless”, meaning that once being broadcasted over the Internet, viewers should not read, hear or see any reference to the date or place interviews are being filmed. Participants being interviewed are wearing neutral clothings (no logo shirts that would refer to a brand, location, etc.)

The core of the interview is a discussion between the videographer and the person being interviewed.

Here are some videos captured at the TikiFest.

- Presentation of the Video project including a round table of those present (Daniel, Patricia, Marc, Philippe(Chealer) and Gary)

- Pre-production discussion: Gary's presentation, than brainstorming: What should.... (Trial run. Than, the discussion starts.)

- Then, the brainstorm transforms into a discussion and ideas start to emerge. Here are some which describes the USP (Unique Selling Proposition):

  • Same like the others and that makes it different
  • The Wiki approach to build software
  • Super users answering questions
  • Tiki has the most built in features
  • Tiki has No plug-ins, how can that be? The model used.
  • Tiki is structured differently: Micro community
  • In theory, 100% of the developers have access to 100% of the code. In reality, there are hierarchies, yet they are more like concentric circles. There is a fluidity within the community. Everyone is allowed to edit every page (in principle).

Conclusion: This portion is named: How can it possibly be true? Or, it looks too good to be true.


A picture is worth a thousand words. The ideal situation would be to have charts ready. Drawings that explain some complex concepts make it easier for the audience to understand. These charts will be used during the editing phase to intercut and avoid just having some heads talking.

Props for editing

Video clips start with a Jingle showing the Tiki logo and ends with the mention of Creative Commons Licence 2.5 version
See imgs


The first interview being captured

Here are the questions asked during the interviews

Use for editing

Use this logo and add the 2.5 beside it

Day one. Interviews

Take one: Marc Laporte is the first one to be interviewed. Intro about Tiki. Remember this is "real life", meaning that you see the video capture of the video production taking place. Even cats have their say 😉

Take two. (Marc Laporte). Continuation of talks about the TikiW Ecosystem. Few points to remember: We should make the interviews "really" into clips. Meaning that we should consider to cut the filming after an answer has been given so that we can verify the result is satisfactory.

Day two. Interviews conducted:

Day two of the project did not go as expected. Yet, progress did occur. The manner in which the interviews are conducted is quite efficient now. A question, one question is asked and the answer is complete and deep. No reply, no counter questions, no interruptions, just the short question and the complete answer. Gary and Philippe did well. Gary did talk about "Themes" (no broacast of this, the uStream.tv site did not capture Gary's interviews. Then, Philippe talks about how can someone make a living with Tiki and what improvements does he see has needed. Shawn, Patricia and Pascal did not come. See this uStream capture (in French) and this one too (in English).
The "virtual" interview concept was not tested, though it was discussed.

Day three. Interviews at CGCOM (5 to 7pm)

Interviews with: Pascal St-jean and Martin Latulipe.
We shot 5 clips with Pascal. Pascal talked how do the economic value and the business aspect relate to each other. Really inspiring. Martin talked about Trackers.

Day four

Day Four

Invitation to send your representative

Day four (is / will / has) taking place on March 17 2013 (between 14:30 and 16:00) at the Equilibrium Center, 4812 Boul St-Laurent street, local 101, Montreal, Canada, H2T 1R5. Those interrested to participate in this full HD1080 video shoot with Blue Screen effect head shots, please contact the aforementionned to be included in the participants list. I need to know in advance as time scheduling is tightly built and we don't want to make you wait for nothing. Participants will be asked to sign a release form as this video shoot will be used for commercial purpose. If you do not wish to see yourself talking behind a fake background, do not come to this event. Priority will be given Tiki.org active members and post-prod will be done fairly quickly.

Silence on tourne

It might only be a dream except that it is worth living

An invitation was sent to the YogaPartout community in our last info news letter. Now it is your turn to be invited. Take advantage of it as this is a rare occasion: Be filmed in HD1080 for your next BluRay or HD YouTube!

We're now extending the invitation to you. If you or a representative of yourself wish to be interviewed on March 17 2013 (between 14:30 and 16:00), please contact Daniel to book your spot.

How is video prod progressing

Chroma key, chroma key and more chroma key

The use of Chroma Key over the internet to reproduce vast spaces is now commun practice.

Here bellow is "Leo Laporte" Twit chroma studio sample (with my foot note bellow the capture screen in fr;-)

Indeed, today, you can find all sort of things for chroma effect reproduction. You can buy chroma suits, build your own for less than 20$, etc. Afterwards, once your on your editing table, you can buy a background to pretend your in a profesionaly looking studio, etc.

Studio visits

In 2011 and 2012, I visited local chroma key studios to learn benchmark's practices.
Several studio visits took place. A studio like the pics bellow rents for about 200 EUR per day, all inclusive.

These visites inspired me for the "creation of my portable chroma key studio".

Result of the studio visit

Chroma key tests (march 17 2013)


Among the thousands of YouTube videos teaching you tricks of the trade, this video tutorail bellow is most complete. Enjoy it.

Shooting was continuous in 2011

  • Editing, learning about Tiki.org great functionalities led to distribute few clips in late 2011 and early 2012
  • Through tv.tiki.org a ressource repository was created and an inventory of all know video clips to exist in the community has been done
  • Over one hour of video material is available for editing.
  • Who's next?
    • The interview with Marc Laporte talking about Modularity? There are two interviews of Marc talking about modularity. The one filmed at the Ottawa BBB Tiki fest and the one filmed the first ever Tiki Fest the author attended in Montreal.
    • Pascal St-Jean talking about Ecosystems at the TikiFest Montreal 2010?
    • Rodrigo Primo speaking about Tiki in spanish (2011)?



What's love got to do with it


Interesting links



5 pages link to Video Clips


Information Version
Daniel Gauthier 76
Daniel Gauthier 75
Daniel Gauthier fixing dead links and removing stuff that does work any more 74
Philippe Cloutier info was apparently merged in Community 73
Daniel Gauthier 72
Daniel Gauthier In order to remove "Propriateray " info, I need to replace it with something. Can I trouble someone to accept this embed clip please? 71
Daniel Gauthier 70
Daniel Gauthier 69
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Daniel Gauthier 63
Daniel Gauthier 62
Daniel Gauthier 61
Daniel Gauthier 60
Daniel Gauthier 59
Daniel Gauthier 58
Daniel Gauthier 57
Daniel Gauthier Well, well. What an update. Please join my LinkedIn group announcing that I want to do a wiki film 56
Daniel Gauthier 55
Daniel Gauthier 54
Daniel Gauthier 53
Daniel Gauthier 52