History: Webinar 2013 02
Preview of version: 12
Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 19:00:00 UTC time (click for time zone in your city)
See Webinars for a detailed description.
1st hour quick news
- Explain the rationale for the new Webinar format
- Should we ask for a conference call with SF about Migrate to Allura ?
- 2013-02-05: Pascal, Marc, Alain, Duane and Nick met Fred and the BBB Team in Ottawa. The upcoming version is looking very good. We agreed to organize a TikiFest BigBlueButton in June 2013, and make use of all the new features
- Quick report on TikiFestMuskoka
- Introduce show.tiki.org
- Karen asks: "quick question: do we still want the 'perpetual' showcase Tikis I've made available @ http://tikishow.kstingel.com? "
- Until the new infra is ready, yes please.
- Karen asks: "quick question: do we still want the 'perpetual' showcase Tikis I've made available @ http://tikishow.kstingel.com? "
- Introduce show.tiki.org
- CKEditor4 has been added to trunk
- (add any topics here)
Second hour, longer topics
- Discussion about CKEditor4