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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: WikiSyntax

Preview of version: 32

General Description

In almost all the text area boxes that you can edit within Tikiwiki, you can use WikiSyntax to improve the formatting (appearance) of your text and to create links to other Wiki and external Web pages. Consisting of special characters that you enter to mark formatted text, WikiSyntax is designed to be easy to use. It enables you to add formatting to your pages without having to learn or use HTML. For example, you can show bold text by typing two underscores before and after a word or phrase, as in the following example: __example text__. The result looks like this: example text. (In this context, the word syntax in WikiSyntax means "rules for how to type characters in the correct order.")

You don't have to memorize WikiSyntax. In Wiki pages, click Wiki Quick Help, one of the tabs attached to the editing area, to see a quick reference guide. Alternatively, click one of the QuickLinks (at the top of the Wiki editing area) to enter an example of the formatting syntax. The example appears at the bottom of the page you're editing.

You can use WikiSyntax in articles, blogs, comments, forums, HTML pages, and — of course — Wiki pages.

For more detailed information, see the following:

TIP: Also see PluginsList; several Wiki plugins provide advanced text formatting capabilities.

Quick Reference

The following is the same information you see when you click Wiki Quick Help while you're editing a Wiki page.

Text Formatting Rules:
Emphasis: '' for italics, __ for bold, ''__ for both
Lists: * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, ;term:definition for definiton lists
Wiki References: JoinCapitalizedWords or use ((page)) or ((page|desc)) for wiki references ))SomeName(( prevents referencing
External links: use square brackets for an external link: [URL] or [URL|link_description] or [URL|description|nocache].
Misc: "!", "!!", "!!!" make_headings, "----" makes a horizontal rule "===text===" underlines text
Title bar: "-=title=-" creates a title bar.
Images: "{img src=http://example.com/foo.jpg width=200 height=100 align=center link=http://www.yahoo.com desc=foo}" displays an image height width desc link and align are optional
Non cacheable images: "{img src=http://example.com/foo.jpg?nocache=1 width=200 height=100 align=center link=http://www.yahoo.com desc=foo}" displays an image height width desc link and align are optional
Tables: "||row1-col1|row1-col2|row1-col3||row2-col1|row2-col2col3||" creates a table
RSS feeds: "{rss id=n max=m}" displays rss feed with id=n maximum=m items
Simple box: "^Box content^" Creates a box with the data
Dynamic content: "{content id=n}" Will be replaced by the actual value of the dynamic content block with id=n
Colored text: "~~#FFEE33:some text~~" Will display using the indicated HTML color
Center: "::some text::" Will display the text centered
Non parsed sections: "~np~ data ~/np~" Prevents parsing data.
Preformated sections: "~pp~ data ~/pp~" Displays preformated text/code; no Wiki processing is done inside these sections.
Square Brackets: Use [[foo] to show [foo] (in the latest CVS version only).
Block Preformatting: Indent text with any number of spaces to turn it into a monospaced block that still follows other Wiki formatting instructions. It will be indended with the same number of spaces that you used.
Insert Module Output: {MODULE(module=>some_module)}text{MODULE} can be used to insert the output of module "some_module" into your Wiki page. See PluginModule for more information.
Rendering Program Code: {CODE()}some code{CODE} will render "some code" as program code. This plugin has other options; see PluginCode.

In addition, here is a guide to the plug-in syntax, which is displayed when you click Show Plugins Help in the Wiki quick help screen. More information on plug-ins is available: PluginsList.

AVATAR Displays the user Avatar
BOX Insert theme styled box on wiki page
CATEGORY Insert list of items for the current/given category into wiki page
CATORPHANS Display Tiki objects that have not been categorized
CATPATH Insert the full category path for each category that this wiki page belongs to
CENTER Centers the plugin content in the wiki page
CODE Displays a snippet of code. Set optional paramater ln to 1 if you need line numbering feature.
COPYRIGHT Insert copyright notices
DL No description available
EXAMPLE No description available
FANCYTABLE Displays the data using the TikiWiki? odd/even table style
GAUGE Displays a graphical GAUGE
MODULE Displays a module inlined in page
MONO Displays the data using a monospace font
SORT Sorts the plugin content in the wiki page
SPLIT No description available
SQL No description available
WIKIGRAPH Renders a graph


Check if all these are on the wiki pages and in tiki-edit_help.tpl:

box: ^^

~ pp ~    ~ / pp ~
~ np ~    ~ / np ~




 Plugin disabled
Plugin content cannot be executed.
 Plugin disabled
Plugin rcontent cannot be executed.
Table ||ta|ble|s|| line --- ...page... List: *bla **bla-1 ++continue-bla-1 ***bla-2 ++continue-bla-1 *bla +continue-bla #bla ** tra-la-la +continue-bla #bla Headlines: !bla !-bla !+bla !! !!!
Definition lists ;blablabla:blablablab blablablabla blabalablablabalba ;blablabla:blablablab blablablabla blabalablablabalba oft-used characters (case insensitive) ~bs~ ~hs~ ~amp~ ~ldq~ ~rdq~ ~lsq~ ~rsq~ ~c~ ~--~ ~lt~ ~gt~ [[ ~[number 0-255]~ {maketoc} Bidi markers: {l2r} {r2l} {rm}
Key Function and sub-features

Related Links

Typical Uses

For more information

http://doc.tikiwiki.org has good pages about WikiSyntax.


Information Version
drsassafras Mass search and replace 70
luciash d' being 🧙 69
luciash d' being 🧙 archiving, locking the page 68
louis2609 67
louis2609 66
campbe13 65
swampfox fixed typo [rollback version 62] 64
Robin Lee Powell 61
bertrand Gugger 60
bertrand Gugger 59
bertrand Gugger 58
bertrand Gugger 57
bertrand Gugger 56
Michael Davey 55
Michael Davey {toc} 54
Robin Lee Powell 53
Oliver Hertel 52
colorado fixed a misspelling 51
DennisDaniels 50
Robin Lee Powell 49
Robin Lee Powell 48
Philippe Cloutier link 32
Nattawat C. 30
zaufi 29
DennisDaniels 28
  • «
  • 1 (current)
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