History: i18n Team
Preview of version: 45
About internationalization (i18n)
i18n Team is everything related to language strings, translations and localizations (l10n) and increase the number of languages in Tiki.
Release responsibilities
- Remove any out of sync English strings
- Get in contact with all past translators and coordinate updates
- Upstream/merge/resolve potential conflicts of translations in stable branch to trunk
- Help translators prioritize most important information to translate. Ex.: Promo Sheet.
- Help Daida to get the Translation Student Program started
- Deal with spam problem on fr.tikiwiki.org (Marc)
- Contact all users at http://i18n.tiki.org/tiki-adminusers.php to ask for help to translate for Tiki12
- Dogfood all i18n-related features on *.tiki.org
- Maintain wiki-translation.com
- Maintain i18n.tiki.org
- Commit translations for http://sourceforge.net/users/tikii18nbot
- Maintain the i18n workspace on tiki.org
- Use and maintain various i18n scripts
- Deal with the English string overrides] by modifying all the templates via Mass spelling correction
- doc/devtools/get_translation_percentage.php
- get_strings.php
- Along with Community Building, make an i18n perspective on tiki.org
- Write/revamp documentation for new translators
- Move all relevant pages from dev.tiki.org to this workspace
- Improve get_strings
- Zend_Translate
- Right to Left
- Research about different i18n systems
- Interactive translation
- Translate mods
- Import Translations from other Projects
- Creating or maintaining translations
- Special punctuation handling
- How to manage string localization in JS files
- mass spelling correction
- Proposed Changes to English Strings
- Strings Format Convention
- Pending text corrections
- Review&cleanup i18n related two pages
Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun translations (Nelson & Pascal)Done - Translate Promo Sheet
- Figure a better way to manage custom translations
- Discuss .po files >>> PO Convertor for TikiWiki
- Standardize & reduce translation source (English lines) >>> i18nRevamp
- Resolve issue about translation synchronization between stable and trunk >>>latest by RC1 the translation review should start, so latest stable should be copied to trunk and updated than announced to i18n team? or?
- Receiving and committing translations from i18n.tiki.org, which would have been community contributed thanks to the Interactive Translation (long term)
- Translation branching strategy
- Translation Student Program
- Investigate if/how we could work with organizations like http://translatorswithoutborders.org/
- Clean-up fr.tikiwiki.org (Marc and looking for help)
- List all pages in French and look at the contributors to make a short list of potential user group members
- http://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/04/10/mediawiki-localization-file-format-changed-from-php-to-json/
Translation homepages
The below pages are dedicated to Tiki translations of various languages. You speak one of them? Join the i18n team and help us to keep your language up-to-date!