Several New Tiki Releases
Rick -The past few days have seen new releases of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware in all its major branches.
Tiki 11.0
This is the next major version of Tiki, and includes a host of new features and enhancements such as:
- Tiki Console, used to administer your Tiki installation via a command line (based on Symfony's Console Component)
- Improved File Gallery management
- Several new themes
- Enhancements to Trackers including new fields and inline editing
- Support for Gravatar avatars, Bing Translator, and Google Translate 2
- Multiple new modules and wiki plugins
For complete information on all the new features in Tiki 11, see
Tiki 10.4
This is a maintenance release for the Tiki 10.x branch. The Tiki 10.x branch will be closed upon the release of Tiki 11.1.
Tiki 9.6 LTS
This is a maintenance and security release for the Tiki 9.x LTS (long term support) branch. Tiki 9.x is supported until November 2015 (when Tiki 16 is released)
Tiki 6.12 LTS
This is a maintenance and security release for the Tiki 6.x LTS (long term support) branch. Tiki 6.x is supported until May 2014 (when Tiki 13 is released)
Which Version is Right for Me?
The Tiki Version Lifecycle page ( will help you choose the right version to install.