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Custom Share Module 0.1dev



mose, Monday 07 July 2003, 13:46:42 GMT-0000
hey marc, check the calendar changes ..
DennisDaniels, Sunday 06 July 2003, 19:24:53 GMT-0000
small party at irc/freenode/tikiwiki come join us!
mose, Sunday 06 July 2003, 18:56:54 GMT-0000
I fixed the issue about comments.
marclaporte, Sunday 06 July 2003, 15:30:14 GMT-0000
I dunno what the deal is with comments. I activated for registered users.
swf, Sunday 06 July 2003, 13:06:10 GMT-0000
Still no way to 'comment' in blog posts even though they appear to be enabled
mose, Sunday 06 July 2003, 10:36:04 GMT-0000
hey zaufi did you try to send your pages here with xmlrpc system ?
DennisDaniels, Sunday 06 July 2003, 03:16:46 GMT-0000
though it doesn't like two concurrent sessions
DennisDaniels, Sunday 06 July 2003, 02:04:01 GMT-0000
jgraphpad works! with moz 1.4 and jdk 1.4.2
DennisDaniels, Saturday 05 July 2003, 17:16:36 GMT-0000
/join #tikiwiki
zaufi, Saturday 05 July 2003, 10:18:04 GMT-0000
It is possible to add 'maxlen=number' into parameters field of 'last modified pages module'... TRY this! 😊
mose, Saturday 05 July 2003, 00:55:41 GMT-0000
zaufi modified somethign to use parameters in that module
awwaiid, Saturday 05 July 2003, 00:43:37 GMT-0000
what happend to the LastChanges?
mose, Friday 04 July 2003, 17:16:46 GMT-0000
sure 😊 everything is logued everytime. but well, that migration was not easy because of the size of te db, I bet it's not reproductible by a script.
swf, Friday 04 July 2003, 14:13:16 GMT-0000
I hope Al and Mose are taking notes on everything they're doing during the migration. It'd be nice to capture all the steps and publish it as a howto
awwaiid, Thursday 03 July 2003, 23:34:01 GMT-0000

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