Re: RSS newsfeeds from one's site
I did answer that question in the different posting that referred to the original thread. I think I got the site to no longer display that disturbing error that it was displaying and it seems to load right away.
Unfortunately, the syndication of my site is still a mystery to me. Doesn't a newsfeed have a link that ends in xml, rss, or rdf? I clicked on RSS in my blog and got the XML file as I stated. So, for the rss link, I used the web url that ended in php, not because that was what I thought that was right but I couldn't figure out what else to use. I can now assume that either the rss newsfeed for my blog in the same TW site cannot be referred to by the rss link, or assume I specified the link wrong and try to figure out how to do it right.
So, far I've gone with the latter idea and tried to figure out how to correctly identify which link is the specification for the rss for the web log. I pulled out my manual and was looking for RSS in the table of contents and found it way into the document. It merely repeats what I must have read already. I must have read that section because I already knew one could syndicate various aspects of the site from the Features admin option. I wish it then would say how to then take a content from that blog or forum or etc, and figure out what is the specification for the rss feed. How does one identiify that correctly?
I didn't think it would be this complicated but I just don't see what one should do to figure out this information. Please help, I've been holding back a great idea because I can't get this figured out.