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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

getting blank tiki-login.php page

posts: 17 Mozambique

Hello all. Greetings from Maputo, Mozambique. After a few adjustments, I was able to install Tiki somewhat successfully on my site. I am using Tiki 1.7.8 with PHP4.3.x and Apache ASP. I was able to get the DB installed (tiki-install.php) without a problem. Then it sends me to tiki-index.php with the expected "Error
Permission denied you cannot view this page" (with the Tiki Menu on the left and the login box on the right).

Here's the problem. When I enter my login information, it takes me to tiki-login.php, but it stays blank. No errors, no page cannot be displayed. The page loads and it's blank. I assume that it's attempting to perform the login verification and it is then supposed to forward me to the admin page. No love.

Any ideas?



posts: 17 Mozambique

I found out that my ISP has PHP safemode so I reinstalled in safe mode without a problem.
I am having the same problem as before with the blank login page. Help??!!

posts: 17 Mozambique

Something strange...if I go to the password change page, I can 'change the password' and then login. Is it normal to have randomly blank pages? Is the login page known for having this problem?


posts: 17 Mozambique

Thanks, Damian. I put in a ticket to my EXTREMELY RESPONSIVE support team at www.hostnexus.com (THESE GUYS RULE). They increased my php memory on the server from 16mb to 32mb and I'm still having the blank page problems. Does this change require a reboot of the server? If not, any other ideas about why this may be happening? I'm kind of anxious to get moving along and I need a CMS system. All reviews point toTikiwiki as a great choice, but after the 2nd install, I'm beginning to feel hesitant.

Any other ideas about why this may be happening?

Cheers from Mozambique.


posts: 1639 Canada

Why Tiki 1.7.8?

1.8.x is much better IMHO

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Depends if you want the adodb layer. imho it is slower at some things.

posts: 17 Mozambique

OK, fresh install from scratch has me up and running. Not sure if it was b/c of a reboot on the server or because of the install, but I'm working properly now. Thanks and abracos desde Maputo,
