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Features / Usability

increase length in iframe?

posts: 17 Mozambique

Greetings all.

I would like to know how to increase the length of the body iframe. I am using Gallery to manage my photo gallery and am pulling it in using the external wiki option. It's working great, but I have a scroll bar inside the page b/c of the fixed width of the iframe.

How can I change this?

Here's the site (please ignore the CSS differences...haven't matched them yet) -

<a href="http://www.justalongfortheride.com/cms/tiki-featured_link.php?type=f&url=http%3A%2F%2Fjustalongfortheride.com%2Fgallery%2Findex.php" target="new">CLICK HERE</a>

posts: 4662 Japan

When adding a page by means of a featured link, I don't know if you can easily modify the iframe parameters. However, if you use a wiki page to hold the iframe, you can edit the wiki page to make the iframe whatever size you like. I also use Gallery at my family web site (http://cunningham-lee.com), and I made a wiki page for the iframe that loads the Gallery pages. In this way the width and height of the iframe are easily set.

-- Gary

posts: 17 Mozambique
Hello Gary. Thanks for the advice. I actually found this in the tiki-featured_link.tpl file where you can essentially edit the same thing as you would with an html page. I'll try it for a while and if it doesn't work, I'll switch over to an html page.
posts: 17 Mozambique
Hello Gary. Thanks for the advice. I actually found this in the tiki-featured_link.tpl file where you can essentially edit the same thing as you would with an html page. I'll try it for a while and if it doesn't work, I'll switch over to a wiki page.