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Features / Usability

Aw: Re: Just tried tiki 1.9RC3

posts: 22 Switzerland

Thanks for your quick answer everyone!

@Damian Parker

Of course I read the line about "never use a 1.9 RC3 for a production side" thats why I have a test system, where I installed all the versions I try.

@Xavi (as xavidp - admin)

I would suggest you to update the tiki version step by step (1.6 to 1.7, 1.7 to 1.8, 1.8 to 1.9)

Hm, you mean upgrade the database step by step? right? if so, of course I did that!
If not, im wondering why I should do so??

:-) and thanks for the hint, but I read the Update pages as well!

seems like I should install 1.8.4 😊 okey, will do that, fix all the stuff that doesn't work .. and then an upgrade to 1.9 shouldn't that big problem right? *hope*.

Eam, it seems like im not the only one who have his problems with upgrade 😊

ps: can someone give me a hint in which forum I should post usability problems with features? I mean for example the problem that i can't use a feature as it is now. (the part I said about obviously bugs/problems)

thanks u all

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