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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: -3- More additional tests + infos for problem "Register as a new user"

posts: 19 Germany


  • cmd = disabled
  • passthru =disabled
  • popen = activated
  • proc_open =disabled
  • shell_exec =disabled
  • system =disabled

I am authroized to enable these on the server (I am user: root).


  • Implemented = displayed for admin's config: "Admins" "Anonymous" "Editors" "Registered"
  • For ALL these: click on editing only results in redisplay of the middle page part.
  • "Add new group" : does nothing, only same re-display
  • The possibe key for problem understanding is perhaps: - The red symbol for "delete" is only displayed for ONE group fromt he 4, only 4: "Editors"


  • I did NOT execute : domain.com/tik/setup.sh (also not its newer version domain.com/tik/fixperms.sh )
  • because: instruction (is only in setup.sh ) is not fully explained for argument to supply.
  • +because: directory permissions are in fact already set like required, see doc.tikiwiki.org for this

The installed version does not behave like the group editing as described in doc.tikiwiki.org .
This is difficult to explain; because all configuration followed the detailed step-by-step-instruction there.

So it looks at the first glance like a software bug, but is perhaps just a lacking information in the install instruction - or a primitive install error.

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