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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: "Register as a new user" does not excecute - config error? or bug in v. ?

posts: 19 Germany

Thanks for having found the time to deal with this! Here is what I tried just now:

Test 11: Hoster westhost.com = VPS - minimal pre-setup = in terra-unika.com/twk
PHP 5.26 or so - activated very recently. - does up to 20 MB - - - MySQL I think: 5.x
. Here I had already tested with "Default installation profile". So far nothing configured. - I went now with the TIKIWIKI menu to:
. http://www.terra-unika.com/twk/tiki-admin.php?page=login
. and ONLY activated: "Users can register:" (no other configuration done). Logout/Login and control: Yes, IS activated.

I logged out (Firefox). Went to Konqueror (perhaps other cookies... but is same PC / Linux FC = Red Hat).
. - called: http://www.terra-unika.com/twk

then registering as a new user : NAME: pjotre _. PASSW.: Don4Pedro _. EMAIL: ok at sit7.com _.
. (terra-unika.com is at westhost.com, sit7.com ist at websitesources.com)

Same unfriendly result : Input fields wiped out, nothing happened.
. Tried the same, but with generation of Password: ("NuJovoJA"). Same unfriendly result.
. Tried the same, but with differing pass words: Identical result, hence not the expected error message.

Test 12: Hoster totalchoice.com = shared hosting - Fantastico = in ladenx.com/tik
Newest PHP 5.x activated early Nov - the hoster had to settle a bit of trouble for FANTASTICO, e.g. for OSCOMMERCE.
(My variant of OSCOMMERCE in ladenx.com/ccr - is NOT via FANTASTICO)
. FANTASTICO there already has newest TIKIWIKI . Installed it with: "Default installation profile" in: http://ladenx.com/tik

I went here also to: http://www.terra-unika.com/twk/tiki-admin.php?page=login
. and ONLY activated: "Users can register:" (no other configuration done).

Logout ftom admin : Yes, from now users CAN register. - Continuing on FIREFOX, I then registered on http://ladenx.com/tik as a new user:
. NAME: pjotre _. PASSW: Don4Pedro _. EMAIL: ok at sit7.com _.
. Same unfriendly result - input fields wiped out.

Should not be in a public forum. I will try to send them directly to everybody adding comments here. - I do not ask for support for freeware. - But if developers would like to look inside the configuration details, I will enable this.

Further tests: Planned to do, perhaps Friday or so: implement version 1.10. (and if no succes, then also 1.7).
Then I will add the test results here. - The program segments concerned had meantime some modifications, so it is of interest if 1.10. will work.

Why the efforts to get it running? - Tikiwiki is in my opinion by far the best philosophy. Here I have all in one - only need to learn to manage this illimited power. - And program code inside covers with my preferences - logical perfection close to mathematics - extremely rare quality. There is a lot for me to learn from during permanent future use.

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