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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: Server and PHP config aspects? ... "Register as a new user" does not execute ...

posts: 19 Germany

> Sorry for joining this late. The symptom of "registration is submitted but page refresh is blank, no notification is made, etc" is fixed in the CVS tree for The problem was a global was missing and there wasn't a check in place.

Many thanks, Mike, for this key information.

My own case is resolved on a minimal level:
ONE of my 3 TIKIWIKI installs is working. I am already filling it with the initial content, for which planning and brainstorming is the major work time consumer (input edited + stored on a file on my local PC).
Later, when the next "stable" TikiWiki Version will go into distribution, I have all options (updating, moving to some other hoster, or so.) - I will avoid if possible the CVS version use because then the state is less standard - might be a handicap for future update packages.

For others who can choose the same temporary strategy:
My first TIKIWIKI is working well on http://totalchoicehosting.com , from FANTASTICO, automatic installation. They offer a blog hosting tariff - approx. 40 USD/year - for TRUE FULL-FUNCTION hosting and top reliability. There are some setbacks (as far as I remember, 'only one main application per account' etc.), so please read details there before your hosting lifetime marriage with them.

A different solution to the underlying configuraiion problems:
Now that one problem aspect is fully clarified, this aspect can possibly also and instead be settled by reconfiguring PHP behavior from within the .htaccess files (or by a specific additional php.ini for the specific directory tree of for all directories concerned). I already applied this, but so far only for the main directory /tik/.htaccess and without ordering extension to the others dir's (and without modifying the .htaccess files in the sub-dirs). - Hopeful to find the time to test to apply it to the sub-dir's, too.

Configuration problems if the hoster has secured PHP very much:
(like the also excellent hoster lunarpages.com), then this becomes a bit more complex, but the task is basically the same. (lunarpages.com offers FANTASTICO, too, but in the FANTASTICO offer there, Tikiwiki is lacking - perhaps for this reason.)

I hope that this current own state of experience may be helpful for others, too, and that other experience will be added here, when available... 😊

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