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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: "Register as a new user" does not excecute - config error? or bug in v. ?

posts: 19 Germany

The current state: ''still unresolved".
The problem is - in general - still unresolved, hence the impossibilty of user registrations (start page as well as within the admin menus).

My own problem is half-way setled - therefore not any more urgent for me.
As I have now one working Tikiwiki. So this is not any more urgent for me. The following information is mainly to supply information for TikiWiki developers, and to ask to add helpful information here.

Tests on latest newest versions: They still include the same problem:
* v.1.9.9. : New TikiWiki 1.9.9. was installed on a server of westhost.com . Same problem for "register as a new user".
* v.1.10. : Current TikiWiki 1.10. (sourceforge.com / 25 Dec. 2007) installed on same server. Same problem.
* v. (FANTASTICO / installed Dec.2007) on server of totalchoicehosting.com : First same problem, 2 days later suddenly worked.
* v. (download Nov.2007) on server of lunarpages.com : Not yet fully installed (requires time-consuming config. of work-arounds for their PHP securtiy settings)

Comparison with other "CMS-etc." systems.
* MediaWiki, vers. 2007-11, running instantly well on server westhost.com . Also on lunarpages.com, but required 2 days learning time how to configure. - No problems with user registration.
* Joomla + Xoops : Only temporary "test+view" installation 2007-11 on westhost.com : For both no problem with user registration.
* Typo3 : installation 2007-11 on westhost.com : working well: But feature of user registr. not yet activated.

Opinion about the problem reason: Configuration / PHP ?
Based on the behavior, I would guess that it is a problam with PHP ("global variables"). Lack of error messages means that it is probably not a problem related to permissions.
In the case of a "globals" problem, it would in the current software state probably be a configuration problem (I will try to settle this soon).
But it would also be a software issue. Apparently, the variables of user input are not detected, when entering again the registration program for the next step. Apparently, the user registration program therefore always falls back into its initial state "input prompts" instead of climbing up to the state "input evaluation".
So my current guess - but without having studied the program code.

Bug submission : declared as (probably) resolved:
I have moved my bug submission for the bug "user registration" to resolved. It is probably not a bug in the strict sense, because probably to settle by configuration, too.

Problem: file setup.sh
The install instructions in the documentation on tikiwiki.org and in the file INSTALL were apparently reviewed and are coherent - very helpful.
Only the file /tikiwiki/setup.sh does not explain in an easy-to-follow manner its various options and its working.
- what it really does (probably not much...)
- how to do the same by hand (SSH, FTP)
- how far these settings are vital or not.
But as far as I can understand, the problem with the user registration is not due to my non-execution of this tile.

Developers who want to use my installations for tests, can get the password for user "admin".
If wanted, please send a message to me from within this forum. - Apparently, everything else is working properly (other user input, wikis, articles, image uploads, ...). So it is just one feature to check.

Verson 1.10: Other information of interest - (does not fit to THIS thread, I know... 😊 )
v.1.10. The language option in "user preferences" is apparently not preset to the current language, therefore drops to the first in the list (=Arabic).
In addition, after clicking "user preferences", the program apparently falls first into a layout state "text only" (no borders for HTML TABLEs).

Other helpful information related to the "user registration" problem would be appreciated.
The more I work with TikiWiki, the more I love its outstanding quality + concept. The current minor problem will be resolved very soon.

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