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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: "Register as a new user" does not excecute - config error? or bug in v. ?

posts: 19 Germany
The problem "user registration" is probably settled

For one of the hosters I terminated trouble shooting with success. Like expected, the files .htaccess and php.ini required to be fine-tuned. (For shared hosting, hence the second php.ini within the customer director tree.) - Permissions required also to be changed for some hosters.

The mentioned files are now looking a bit complicated... PHP configuration problems.... When optimisation is terminated, I will try to add experience and sample files to the help documentation of TikiWiki.

My future contributions:

Now selected for permanent use : Tikiwiki Typo3 - both in quality far above average, both complementary. - I hope to be able to supply in a while my thanks for Tikiwiki by own contributions. Planned to develop soon: PayPal feature, extended "friends" features, attractive skin elements, multi-language concepts.

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