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Features / Usability

Re: Auto detect browser language?

posts: 19 Germany

My problem was a bit different:
Tikiwiki 1.9.9 (my first running version) had been installed here without auto-detection of the browser language.

How to activate later the auto-detection?
The sites here are "omni-language" (utf8), for international use, so auto-detection is a must.

There are probably more intelligent solutions than the following one. But I did not find instantly a more intelligent way, so I did it as follows. This might be helpful for those who also do not succeed to find rapidly a more intelligent solution....

This is a copy from my internal HOWTO- file in HTML:

=== direct manual FTP access by TYPING: ftp -iv
=== INPUT: cd www
=== INPUT: cd tiki
=== INPUT: lcd /sitemirrors/sitevox/tiki
=== INPUT: get tiki-setup.php tiki-setu_p-orig071221.php
=== INPUT: mget tiki-setup.*
=== Locally with editor KATE: modifiy in tiki-setup.php as follows:

# *MODIF 2008-03-22 was initially: if ($feature_detect_language == "y") {
# *MODF ........ changed to: if (1) {
if (1) {

INPUT: mput tiki-setup.*

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