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Features / Usability

Re: Problem with 2.1 - Error while saving a wiki page - SOLVED

posts: 56 China

I have exactly the same problem!

My Tikiwiki was v2.0 when installed, recently upgraded to v2.2 by the official patch.

My settings:

AJAX enabled
SEF enabled
_htaccess in the Tikiwiki root folder had been renamed to .htaccess
Tikiwiki was installed in a subdirectory to www root: http://www.joomlagate.com/wiki/

I had read the Rewrite Rules page in the Tikiwiki official docs. That page says, if the Tikiwiki was installed in a subdirectory, we need another .htaccess file.

However, the code for that new .htaccess did not show up on that page, I saw Not Found error. Could you please give me some help?

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