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Features / Usability

Re: Compulsory category for a user group

posts: 496

What you can do is to create a category for approved pages and restrict permissions for registered people by only allowing them to view the page.
So by default they create a community page, you take a look and like it, so you put it into this category,so from this moment only you can edit.
Than you can maybe create a group between normal registered users and the admins (lets call them editors). The users in the editor goups could still edit the approved pages but can not recategorize them. To achive this just apply the appropriate permission setting for the group for that category (assign "tiki_p_edit_categorized" for the "editor" group at the maintenance of the "approved" category)

You can also lock the page if you dont want it to be edited by anyone (dont give this permission for the editor group)

Hope it helps,

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