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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Shifting to New Server Problem with Files

posts: 95

hi there Xavi

Thanks for your input.
I don't think it's the encoding. I have looked at that fairly carefully and everything else looks ok.... characters in articles etc. I could be wrong though, the encoding thing is a bit complex 😊

But I think it's to do with how the pictures are stored.
When they are uploaded the file name is replaced with what I guess is called a hash sequence? They don't seen to have extensions?
I have been FTPing from the old site to my computer and then FTPing up to the new site.

New pictures uploaded directly work correctly as before.

The files FTPed from the old site to my computer
don't load correctly either on my computer initially but after converting as per a msg from my graphics programme they get a jpg extension and load correctly.

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