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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

  • PluginMediaPlayer : Media format not supported. Here are the supported formats : mp3, ogg, wav, aac, flac, opus, mp4, ogv, webm, 3gp, 3g2, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, wmv, flv, pdf, odt, ods, odp
Features / Usability

Features / Usability

mp4 plugin

posts: 101

Hello all,
I'm using version 6 and version 12 ( yes, two sites)
I'm having difficulty with the mp4 plugin.

The problem

I want to show this .mp4 files on a wiki page and I can't. I've looked at the documentation at the
PluginMediaPlayer page and found I can use this plugin for an .mp4 file
I'm not sure if it is my inexperience of using a plugin into tiki or it is simply me. My question is simply:
How can I embed a video clip within a tiki?

Am I trying to fit something within something else that does not have any thing to do with each other?

My script

I've tried two scripts. Can you confirm they are correct?

Script number one

Here is a copy paste
Copy to clipboard
{mediaplayer src="rootOfMySite.mp4&page=Slideshow", width=100%, height=600, type="mp4"}

Do you have a msg that says: install Macintosh? I do.

Script number two

This one bellow does not work at all, it shows a blank

Here is a copy paste
Copy to clipboard
{mediaplayer mp4="humIdontKnowSourceFile.mp4&page=Slideshow", width=100%, height=600, type="mp4"}

Screen capture

Would it be because my source file is not external?
Here is the image screen capture


Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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