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Re: Tiki15 TOC Crowds Pages

posts: 758 United States

Thanks a heap Rick, boy I gotta tell ya, the Tiki Gods giveth, and the Tiki Gods taketh! 😂
I am always trying to keep things out of the box operable, I don't like having to add things to make things work on a per page basis, and the reason is our wiki is going to be an open wiki, I want folks to be able to just use Tiki as is, with no special mods, or at least that is my goal anyway. The more I have to explain to users how to insert this or that to make a page look like that or this, the more complicated it's going to be for all involved. I may just have to accept the default TOC as is in 15 if that is the way it's going to be. I do like full width text in my pages, no dead space on the right, but it is what it is.
Thanks again as always Rick!

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