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Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Why Must All Read It?

posts: 26

It certainly is irritating to see the same comments in Shoutbox day after day, particularly as it looks like a few ))TikiDevsusingTikiDevTalk((. I thought that as an Anonymous User, and I'm sure visitors are not impressed either.

I think Shoutbox should vanish from public view until it is useful. Or make it a ))DevShout(( which only Devs can see.

Perhaps a ))NewsShout(( box would be more useful, if it has little announcements intended for everyone.

posts: 1001 Canada

Hi SEWilco,
thanks for your recent contributions to the documentation. Are you on IRC #tikiwiki yet?

About Shoutbox, it used to allow registered users to post but it doesn't anymore since some people used "bad" language in it a few times. I recommended admins a few times to remove shoutbox (at least for anonymous and registered) since but it wasn't done yet. Let's all complain and I'm sure it gets done in the following weeks 🙄

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