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Forums: Missing Button "New Thread"

posts: 19

Hi all,
I've set up a server to host a community a few weeks ago with Tiki 21 LTS. Since I ran into some issues I thought it may be wise to wait for Tiki 24 LTS and upgrade, before reporting bugs for a years old version... 😎

Well - last weekend I did the update and found out, that nothing changed with regards to my issues. 😢

Now here is my biggest one - and I have no idea if this is a bug or a setting somewhere I don't find...

The permissions of the forums are set as follows:
Everyone (including Guests) may:
- tiki_p_forum_read
- tiki_p_forum_post
- tiki_p_forum_post_topic

Registered Users can additionally:
- tiki_p_forum_attach
- tiki_p_forum_autoapp (will also be applied to guests after GoLive)
- tiki_p_forums_report
- tiki_p_forum_vote

Subadmins / Moderators and Admins have also these permissions:
- tiki_p_admin_forum
- tiki_p_forum_edit_own_posts

Being online as Admin or Subadmin all runs fine in the forums.

But while guests and normal users can reply in existing threads they can't create new ones - the button "Create Thread" (or similar, I run Tiki in German language where the button is named "Neues Thema") is missing. They see only the button "List Forums".

Apart from the permissions above I have also found the setting in ControlPanels => Forums => Threads (set minimum amount of Posts). Default value is 10 here. I had set it to 0. May this be the reason?
Setting it for testing to 1 (while I have 2 guest answers existing) should enable each guest to create threads - right? Well - it doesn't. The button is still missing.

So most probably the problem comes from somewhere else...

Anyone any ideas?

Thanks and best regards

posts: 3665 United States

Those 3 permissions in the Anonymous group should be sufficient to allow anyone to post to the forum.

Let's start with the easy things first.

  • Did you clear your caches, after making changes?
  • Confirm that your Registered group correctly inherits the Anonymous group.
  • Are you using any category permissions for the forums?

Now, let's look at your specific forum settings?

  • Is the "Flat Forum" option enabled? (This disallows new posts — users can only reply to the first post)
  • Do you have individual permissions for the forum? (They will override the global permissions)


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com
Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.
posts: 19

Hi Rick,
thanks for your feedback.

Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties wrote:
Those 3 permissions in the Anonymous group should be sufficient to allow anyone to post to the forum.

This was my assumption, but... no. 🙄

Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties wrote:

Let's start with the easy things first.

  • Did you clear your caches, after making changes?
Not sure... now I did, but no success.

Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties wrote:
  • Confirm that your Registered group correctly inherits the Anonymous group.
In the forum permissions?

I can confirm: All permissions given to anonymous are also given to all other groups.
Or did you mean something else?

Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties wrote:
  • Are you using any category permissions for the forums?
For some boards I do - but not for those where ANONYMOUS shall be able to write.

Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties wrote:

Now, let's look at your specific forum settings?

  • Is the "Flat Forum" option enabled? (This disallows new posts — users can only reply to the first post)
It was active. Plus the function "Allows quoting in flat forums" - to me "Flat" meant "no tree structure within threads". A mistake?

(Btw. Checked meanwhile - and yes, now I have a kind of tree structure...)
Well - however: Switching to "Threaded" (and clearing the cache 😀) didn't solve the problem.

Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties wrote:
  • Do you have individual permissions for the forum? (They will override the global permissions)
In some board I have - but again not in the ones Anonymous users shall be able to write.

Any further suggestions?
Thanks and
best regards

posts: 3665 United States
Uli wrote:
Any further suggestions?

I'm not sure. I have a test Tiki 24 site, and I granted the following permissions to the Anonymous group:

  • tiki_p_forum_read
  • tiki_p_forum_post
  • tiki_p_forum_post_topic

And all users (even those who are not logged in) can create a new topic (thread) in the forum.

I think you have a conflict somewhere either with:

  • Group inheritance
  • Category or Forum-specific permissions
  • Forum settings


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com
Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.
posts: 19

Hi Rick,
thanks for you answer last year.

I gave up back then, dropped the whole installation and started everything from scratch. Things work now as they should.

Looking back my suspicion is a problem between the permissions and categories. In the previous installation I had (as far as I remember) all forums associated with any category (without limiting the permissions by most of these).
Now I use categories only for the forums with limited permissions - this way it works as I want it to. 😊

Best regards

posts: 1639 Canada
Uli wrote:
this way it works as I want it to. 😊

Great! I hope you never need to re-install and start over. Because Tiki's permissions are so flexible and powerful, it's easy to get mixed up. And there could be a bug. We created Module permissions to help troubleshooting.

Best regards,
