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Features / Usability

Swiper Slider Configuration

posts: 758 United States

{QUOTE(thread_id=>79410)}Good day folks, and Happy New Year!
I love the Swiper Slider, but I am having a config issue.
I have successfully formatted my slider with images, you can see here at https://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/HomePage

I wanted to further customize my images by inserting text on top of the image, and when the image is clicked it takes the user to a page in the wiki.
Using this provided example in the Swiper Slider UI:

title:Slide 1 title;text:HTML/Wiki Syntax Supported Slide 1 text;image:Slide Image URL;bgcolor:#colorcode;color: #color code for text | title:Slide 2 title;text:Slide 2 text;image:Slide Image URL;bgcolor:#colorcode

I substituted Slide Image URL for id of the image display663 for example, the image did render in the slide but only a portion of its original height.
Please see screen shot attached. That image is actually about 400px tall but it's rendering around 100px tall.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, thank you!

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