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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: fantastico (not so fantastico)

posts: 3

Thanks for your suggestion, Damian. Unfortunately I'm limited to CPanel/Fantastico's options. I can't see any option to view the PHP memory setting, never mind change it.

However, my domain has now propagated, and I'm able to login. So it seems the simple workaround for Fantastico install problems, is to install into a subfolder (and if necessary, put a simple index page in the root of public_html that autoforwards to the Tiki homepage).

Incidentally, the only "file" that I can see (including .files), that conflicts with the pre-existing deafult files, is the "images" folder.

One further point about Fantastico, it has installed v1.8.2, which I gather is not considered a stable release yet.

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