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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

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Features / Usability

File Gallery Revamp or how to reference image by using wiki/markdown markup

posts: 48 Croatia


I'm very excited that File Gallery Revamp is completed, hoping it can allow me to use the same/similar syntax for referencing images in my posts…

When using Markdown markup in e.g. some static site generator, the syntax is as follows:

Copy to clipboard

but it does not work or I do not know how to do it.

I have uploaded file dhanvantari.png in the file gallery named "Test" and tried to reference it in a wiki page using Markdown syntax like:

Copy to clipboard

but I only get "Dhanvantari{dhanvantari.png)" rendered on a page.

In the properties of file gallery I configured it to use the following wiki markup

Copy to clipboard
{img fileId="%filename%" thumb="box"}

instead of the default one, but I get:

"Plugin not found" from "Plugin Image".

Same thing does happen in a page using Wiki markup.

However, if I use standard syntax like:

Copy to clipboard
{img fileId="1" thumb="box"}

everything is fine, but it is a bit cumbersome since I'd like to organize my media stuff in a tree-like fashion with subfolders of the file gallery representing posts, categories, topics or whatever and then being able to reference it using filename/name. (The properties field provides an opportunity to use No value assigned as well.

So, my question is whether TIki-27 does allow using Markdown syntax for referencing images and/or how to reference media by (file)name instead of fileID?


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