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Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: EXIF Data in Photo Causing "Internal Server Error" Upon Unload

posts: 75 United States

Bernard, thank you for taking the time to review my question. After further testing, just the removal of the "Camera Maker" from the EXIF data will allow for a successful upload. I'm not sure what the root cause of the error is yet but I at least know what is making it happen.

Fails to uploads with Camera Maker set to "Canon"
Meta Data

Successfully uploads with Camera Maker set to " " or "Cano" or "anon". But will not upload if set to "Canon" even if deleted and manually entered.
Removed Make

Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist wrote:

Hello Jeffrey,

I kindly suggest to check if the issue has been reported at https://dev.tiki.org/Wishlist
If yes please post an update here.

If you can’t find a ticket on our wishlist, please open a ticket at https://dev.tiki.org/Make-a-wish and eventually create an instance and paste the link to the item here. The more details you give (and make it easy for a developer to reproduce) more are the chances someone will fix the issue.

If it is critical for your project and you need this to be fix quickly you can hire a consultant that will fix and improve the functionalities for you : https://tiki.org/consultants

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