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Tiki Services Providers

These consultants are active contributors to the Tiki community. By hiring them, you are permitting them to spend more time to contribute to Tiki. Thank you!

Items 37

ItemID Sorting Tiki.org username Tiki Consultants Image Name Category Languages Location Website Email Type Services and Skills Last modified
11822 carsten.aevermann Logo RZ BG White InitBox UG Full Service Agile Software Development English Germany Germany https://initbox.de info at initbox.de Company Consulting & Project Management, Installation & Hosting, Wiki & Knowledge Database
1728 020 uwe   Uwe Altmann Germany Germany http://www.altsys.de uwe.altmann at altsys.de Individual
6563 001 Torsten Torsten Wue Torsten Fabricius Germany Germany torsten at tiki.org Individual
1636 500 arvind07   Arvind Bhardwaj India India http://www.webspeaks.in bhardwajsonheight at gmail.com Company
1627 500 alex   Alexandre Quessy Canada Canada http://alexandre.quessy.net alexandre at quessy.net Individual
6567 001 luci IMG 0467 luciash d' being Czech, English Czech Republic Czech Republic http://luciash.cz luci at tiki.org Individual Consulting & Project Management, Design & Themes, Development & Customisation, Installation & Hosting, Marketing & Social Media, Multilingual & Translation, Training, Troubleshooting & Configuration, Upgrade & Maintenance, Wiki & Knowledge Database
1607 500 m.gillen   OVENO GmbH Germany Germany http://www.oveno.de m.gillen at oveno.de Company
1597 500 gillesm   Gilles Maire France France http://www.gillesmaire.com gilles at gillesmaire.com Company
1588 500 alain_desilets   Alain Désilets Canada Canada http://alpacatechnologies.com alaindesilets0 at gmail.com Individual
1493 020 canelli   Joint Technologies Italy Italy http://www.joint-tech.it info at joint-tech.it Company
1450 500 thomasdaguenel   Thomas Daguenel Canada Canada thomas.daguenel at gmail.com Individual
1445 020 littledove   Mary Luketich - BizWebShop United States United States http://BizWebShop.com Info at BizWebShop.com Company
1412 600 Freeman57   WKD1 Hosting & Design Canada Canada http://wkd1.com Kent at WKD1.com Company
1378 020 gezza O 240x240 oregional Hungary Hungary https://oregional.hu info at oregional.hu Company
1377 600 SoftwareTailor   Software Tailor Hong Kong Hong Kong www.SoftwareTailor.com Contact at SoftwareTailor.com Company
1223 500 DigiTILA   Matti Pyykkönen Finland Finland http://DigiTILA.fi matti.pyykkonen at digitila.fi Individual
6585 020 niel_hirjee WhatsApp Image 2016 10 22 At 2.28.21 PM Niel Hirjee India India https://www.calport.com/Tiki+Wiki+CMS+Groupware niel at calport.com Individual
1208 020 petjal   Pete Jalajas United States United States http://tebuco.com pj08 at gigalock.com Company
1206 500 fharmsen   Ferdinand Harmsen (Banyan Consult) Slovakia Slovakia https://www.linkedin.com/in/ferdinandharmsen tiki at fharmsen.nl Individual
1195 500 ineedwebsite   Olexiy Merenkov Ukraine Ukraine http://ineed.ws info at ineed.ws Company
1194 500 gjwheat   Greg Wheat United States United States gjwheat at yahoo.com Individual
6593 001 Jyhem Jean Marc Libs 100x100 alsawiki.com English, French France France http://alsawiki.com contact at alsawiki.com Company
1142 020 rodrigo   Rodrigo Primo Brazil Brazil http://rodrigoprimo.com rodrigosprimo at gmail.com Individual
1134 001 chibaguy Gary And Tiki Gary Cunningham-Lee Japan Japan https://zukathemes.com gary at zukakakina.com Individual
6597 001 Bsfez Bsfez Bernard Sfez Tiki Specialist, Contributor and Community Manager English, French, Hebrew France France https://www.bernardsfez.com me at bsfez.com Company Consulting & Project Management, E-commerce & Financial, Installation & Hosting, Marketing & Social Media, Multilingual & Translation, Training, Troubleshooting & Configuration, Upgrade & Maintenance, Wiki & Knowledge Database
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