User Information
Profile picture (User Icon):
Real Name:
S. Govindkrishna
English (en)
Last login:
Friendship Network
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User S. Govindkrishna
has contributed to the following content…
Forum comments
- Have a fixed graphic on top of every page.
- -f for database update using phpMyAdmin
- Can Categories control permission
- Installing 1.8 questions
- Re: Banner at the top
- Blog public to user group
- Login should take user to different home page
- Banner at the top
- Re: Menus gone login screen gone
- Menus gone login screen gone
Forum topics
- Have a fixed graphic on top of every page.
- -f for database update using phpMyAdmin
- Can Categories control permission
- Installing 1.8 questions
- Blog public to user group
- Login should take user to different home page
- Banner at the top
- Menus gone login screen gone