This used to be an important page to coordinate documentation writing but is now deprecated due to 1.8 documentation efforts. A replacement page is Documentation Status
Archived content
Here you will find a list of Feature Reference wiki pages that have been written or are currrently being written. These pages follow the FeatureX guidelines.
Tiki users and developers: Please adopt a feature! Take a look at the v1.7 changelog and pick a feature or two and document them using the FeatureX format. If we all contribute, the new docs will be done in no time. Thanks.
How to adopt an orphaned feature
- See TikiFeatures for blurbs on each of the major features.
- Read the FeatureX page for guidance on how docs are being formatted.
- Click on one of the links in one of the sections below that has (adopt me) next to it.
- If you like that one, go back and edit this page, replacing "adopt me" with your login name and save it so others know you have adopted that page.
- Edit your adopted page
- Examine the content, determine which other pages need to be created and put them into the references section at the bottom (probably most of the existing content moves to FeatureDoc).
- Save the page
- Open the reference pages and move content from the main page into the reference pages as need. Add content as needed.
- Save all pages
- Check for typos, grammer, clarity, etc
- Go back to this page and indent the item you adopted with a bullet to indicate it's done. Also, add any reference pages you created into the sections on this page.
- rinse and repeat 😊
Got a question? Ask on the Tiki dev list or IRC, then add your newfound wisdom here for the benefit of others.
- Pages indented with a bullet indicate that it has been completed.
Bolded pages need to be written urgently:
LdapAuthenticationAdmin (adopt me)
(Scott, please feel free to do anything you want to this page, including deleting it in favor of something else.)
FeatureSetting-s are listed in FeatureAdmin.
[+]- SandboxDoc (dheltzel)
- UserPage (dheltzel)
- Webmail (stryker)
- WikiLists (bpfaffenberger)
ApplicationMenu (adopt me)
articles (adopt me)
Banner (adopt me)
Cache (adopt me)
Category (adopt me)
Chat (adopt me)
Comment (adopt me)
CommunicationsCenter (adopt me)
ContentTemplates (adopt me)
Directory (adopt me)
Drawing (adopt me)
DynamicContentSystem (adopt me)
EditTemplates (adopt me)
EmailNotifications (adopt me)
ExtraFeatures (adopt me)
FAQ (adopt me)
FileGallery (adopt me)
FortuneCookie (adopt me)
Forum (adopt me)
GalaxiaWorkflow (adopt me)
Games (adopt me)
HtmlAndDynamicPages (adopt me)
HtmlPages (adopt me)
ImageGallery (adopt me)
ImageGalleryBatchUpload (adopt me)
Internal and External Communication (adopt me)
MenuBuilder (adopt me)
MyTiki (adopt me)
Newsletters (adopt me)
Newsreader (adopt me)
Poll (adopt me)
Quizzes (adopt me)
RssFeed (adopt me)
SearchStats (adopt me)
SiteStatistics (adopt me)
Slideshows (adopt me)
SmartyFilters (adopt me)
Spellchecking (adopt me)
Survey (adopt me)
TikiProfiles (adopt me)
ToDelete(WikiPlugin) (adopt me)
ToDelete(WikiTables) (adopt me)
Tracker (adopt me)
UserAvatar (adopt me)
UserBookmark (adopt me)
UserCalendar (adopt me)
UserFile (adopt me)
UserMenu (adopt me)
UserMessages (adopt me)
UserModule (adopt me)
UserNotepad (adopt me)
UserPreferences (adopt me)
UserTasks (adopt me)
Wiki (adopt me)
WikiEditing (adopt me)
WikiImages (adopt me)
WikiLinkStructure (adopt me)
WikiMiscellaneous (adopt me)
WikiNonParsedSection (adopt me)
WikiSpecialCharacters (adopt me)
WikiTags (adopt me)
[+]- DirectoryDoc (jbutler)
- FaqDoc (jbutler)
- LdapAuthenticationDoc (marclaporte)
- PluginSort (terence)
- UserPageDoc (dheltzel)
- WikiListDoc (bpfaffenberger)
- WikiSandboxDoc (dheltzel)
ApplicationMenuDoc (adopt me)
ArticleDoc (adopt me)
BannerAdmin (adopt me)
CacheDoc (adopt me)
CategoryDoc (adopt me)
ChatDoc (adopt me)
CommentDoc (adopt me)
CommunicationsCenterDoc (adopt me)
ContentTemplatesDoc (adopt me)
DrawingsDoc (adopt me)
DynamicContentSystemDoc (adopt me)
EditTemplatesDoc (adopt me)
EmailNotificationsDoc (adopt me)
FileGalleryDoc (adopt me)
FortuneCookieDoc (adopt me)
ForumDoc (adopt me)
GalaxiaWorkflowDoc (adopt me)
GamesDoc (adopt me)
HtmlAndDynamicPagesDoc (adopt me)
ImageGalleryDoc (adopt me)
MenuBuilderAdmin (adopt me)
MyTikiDoc (adopt me)
NewslettersDoc (adopt me)
NewsreaderDoc (adopt me)
PermissionDoc (adopt me)
PluginCatpath (terence - working)
PollDoc (adopt me)
QuizzesDoc (adopt me)
RssFeedDoc (adopt me)
SearchDoc (adopt me)
ShoutboxDoc (adopt me)
SiteStatisticsDoc (adopt me)
SpellcheckingDoc (adopt me)
SurveyDoc (adopt me)
ThemeControlDoc (adopt me)
ThemesDoc (adopt me)
ToDelete(ImageGalleryBatchUploadDoc) (adopt me)
TrackerDoc (adopt me)
UserAvatarDoc (adopt me)
UserBookmarkDoc (adopt me)
UserCalendarDoc (adopt me)
UserFileDoc (adopt me)
UserMenuDoc (adopt me)
UserMessagesDoc (adopt me)
UserNotepadDoc (adopt me)
UserTasksDoc (adopt me)
WebmailDoc (adopt me)
WikiButton (adopt me)
WikiEditingDoc (adopt me)
WikiLinkStructureDoc (adopt me)
WikiPluginDoc (adopt me)
[+]- BatchUserImportAdmin (terence)
- DirectoryAdmin (jbutler)
- doc:Requirements and Setup
- FaqAdmin (jbutler)
- HttpAuthenticationAdmin (terence)
- InstallPermissionsAndDirectoriesAdmin (dheltzel)
- WikiListAdmin (bpfaffenberger)
CategoryAdmin (adopt me)
ChatAdmin (adopt me)
ConversionFromPhpwiki (adopt me)
doc:Login Admin
doc:RSS Admin
doc:Wiki Admin
FeaturedLinksAdmin (adopt me)
FeatureSettings (adopt me)
FileGallerySettings (adopt me)
GalaxiaWorkflowAdmin (adopt me)
GeneralPreferencesAndSettings (adopt me)
ImageGallerySettings (adopt me)
InstallDatabaseAdmin (dheltzel - working)
LdapAuthenticationAdmin (adopt me)
PermissionAdmin (adopt me)
WikiSettings (adopt me)
[+]- DirectoryDev (jbutler)
- UserWatchesDev (Chealer9)
LdapAuthentificationDev (adopt me)
ApplicationMenuDev (adopt me)
ArticleDev (adopt me)
BannerDev (adopt me)
CacheDev (adopt me)
CategoryDev (adopt me)
ChatDev (adopt me)
CommentDev (adopt me)
CommunicationsCenterDev (adopt me)
ContentTemplatesDev (adopt me)
DrawingsDev (adopt me)
DynamicContentSystemDev (adopt me)
EditTemplatesDev (adopt me)
EmailNotificationsDev (adopt me)
FaqDev (adopt me)
FileGalleryDev (adopt me)
FortuneCookieDev (adopt me)
ForumDev (adopt me)
GalaxiaWorkflowDev (adopt me)
GamesDev (adopt me)
HtmlAndDynamicPagesDev (adopt me)
ImageGalleryDev (adopt me)
MenuBuilderDev (adopt me)
MyTikiDev (adopt me)
NewslettersDev (adopt me)
NewsreaderDev (adopt me)
PermissionDev (adopt me)
PollDev (adopt me)
QuizzesDev (adopt me)
RssFeedDev (adopt me)
SearchDev (adopt me)
ShoutboxDev (adopt me)
SiteStatisticsDev (adopt me)
SpellcheckingDev (adopt me)
SurveyDev (adopt me)
TikiProfilesDev (adopt me)
ToDelete(WikiButtonDev) (adopt me)
ToDelte(ImageGalleryBatchUploadDev) (adopt me)
TrackerDev (adopt me)
UserAvatarDev (adopt me)
UserBookmarkDev (adopt me)
UserCalendarDev (adopt me)
UserFileDev (adopt me)
UserMenuDev (adopt me)
UserMessagesDev (adopt me)
UserNotepadDev (adopt me)
UserTasksDev (adopt me)
WebmailDev (adopt me)
WikiDev (adopt me)
WikiEditingDev (adopt me)
WikiLinkStructureDev (adopt me)
WikiPluginDev (adopt me)
FeatureIntegrationAndAdministrationDev (adopt me)
JabberDev (adopt me)
OrgChartDev (adopt me)
ShareUserProfileDev (adopt me)