

User Documentation

A newsletter is an email sent to a group of users interested in some subject from time to time. Tiki has a newsletters section where you can setup and send newsletters and another section where you can subscribe.

Creating newsletters

You can create a newsletter from clicking the admin link in the newsletters section of the application menu.

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Creating a newsletter is very simple, then you should make your users aware of the existance of the newsletter to let them subscribe, you can use several tiki mechanisms like modules, banners, dynamic content sections or similar to communicate the existance of the newsletter to the users.

Listing newsletters

Clicking the newsletters link in the application menu lists the available newsletters. The user can subscribe to a newsletter by clicking it. If the user has the permission and the newsletter admits it the user can subscribe an email address different than the one he is using on the site, sometimes users with many email accounts want to deliver newsletters to a specific account instead of his main email account.

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Once subscribed the user will NOT receive the newsletter until he confirms his subscription. Tiki will send the user email a message asking him to click a link to enable the subscription. This prevents users or admins from spamming users by adding them to the newsletter.

Subscribing and unsubscribing

The emails that tiki send to newsletter users to confirm a subscription, welcome a user or say bye bye are in the directory templates/mails, you can edit them as you want.

Once a subscription is confirmed the user will be able to unsubscribe by following a link that is automatically sent when a newsletter is sent to the user.

Sending newsletters

As admin you can see the list of existing newsletters and the number of susbcribers (confirmed between parenthesis). Whenever admin wants he can send a newsletter to the confirmed users:

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A newsletter is just an HTML page that will be send by email. You can see a history of previously sent newsletters in this screen and you can reuse an already sent newsletter to send a new edition of the newsletter.

Tiki will ask for confirmation before sending the newsletter indicating how many users will receive the newsletter and showing a preview of the newsletter.

You can define templates for newsletters using the content templates system and then selecting the template from the send newsletters screen.

The From name is defined by the field "Sender Email" in the admin panel.

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Page last modified on Sunday 23 May 2004 14:59:43 GMT-0000