

Some common problems...

if you get smarty errors on the install-tiki.php try
chmod 777 templates_c
or better
chmod -R 777 *
which will change perms for all folders... this was an old install bug but should be gone now in the latest release of Tikiwiki

You may also get something like below:

Copy to clipboard
Tiki installer v1.7 -Eta Carinae- reload We have problems! The following directories must be writeable by Tiki, please check the permissions on those directories and then re-run the install script. db/ img/wiki img/wiki_up modules/cache templates_c backups dump temp try again!

you can try

Copy to clipboard
chmod -R 777 *

There have been problems reported with passwords on installation but again the latest release of Tiki fixes many install problems.

Page last modified on Monday 19 March 2018 07:56:36 GMT-0000