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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Preferences of *.tiki.org

This page is to discuss/log configurations

Back to using :: centering syntax

WikiWords are off


  • When logged in, everything should be SSL
    • cookies for login credentials should be restricted to secure protocol for this purpose
  • Else, HTTP or HTTPS, but with the canonical at HTTP (better for SEO)
  • waiting for Refizul's proposal
    • we need to consider cookie related questions about Intertiki shared cookie for sliding auth under same domain
    • we need to check browser dependent issues, cookies for domain .example.com do not work always

Remember me

  • They should all be set to the same. Ex.: 1-week

Top Menu

Footer code


Unified Search (Zend_Search_Lucene)

  • All sites should be on a rebuild cron job

Search fallback

note: some, like doc.tiki.org are slightly different that the others. So don't just blindly delete stuff 😊




  • Users & Groups are managed on *.tiki.org and permissions are set on each site. A user's group list is updated on *.tiki.org upon the next login.

User preferences

  • User prefs are set on tiki.org and they should propagate to all *.tiki.org sites (via InterTiki)

Domain names

  • tiki.org redirect to info.tiki.org: tiki.org is the official URL, but we want visitors to go the cleaner, more focused info.tiki.org by default
  • .tikiwiki.org redirects to *.tiki.org: All subdomains should redirect with a 301 code and we'll keep that domain forever
  • Domain name
  • Domains


Detect browser language to off because users can get out of date info and not know to check the English version

Other logs of changes



Page last modified on Thursday 06 December 2012 02:17:56 GMT-0000

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