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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Tiki 1.7.3 Valid Release is available since October 20th 2003.

Chealer9 was the coordinator of this release.
Some of those we thank for making it possible : mose, luci, redflo and zaufi.
Some links for more information about this release

Changes list

  • Fix: PHP errors on edit wiki page if wiki descriptions disabled
  • Fix: duplicated port number in some links if web server configured on non default (80) port
  • Fix: Smarty plugin function.rss - fixed the bug where <ul></ul> was missing for the list in user's created rss module
  • Fix: templates/tiki-view_forum_thread.tpl - fixed the view forum thread right column wrap bug and some missing <b> for </b>, converted &=>& in links
  • Fix: quick workaround for last submissions module which avoids XHTML code invalidity (empty <table></table>) when there were no submissions listed
  • fixed {SF(aid=>818044)}{SF}
  • fixed wrong number count of items in the last forum topics module
  • fixed download from file galleries when database is used to store
  • fixed {SF(aid=>790122)}{SF}
  • fixed {SF(aid=>825770)}{SF}
  • fixed {SF(aid=>816556)}{SF}
  • improved 'Notheme' themes with some enhancements
  • increased shoutbox module XHTML validity and in many other places too
  • increased performance with a new cache system for article topics images
  • added missing link to tiki-shoutbox.php
  • added missing comments count for view articles list and corrected layout of "Read more" link (if there are no comments, it doesn't display the comments count)
  • added support for viewing user pages where user 'creator' or 'modificator'
  • fixed {SF(aid=>818875)}{SF} about SSL authentication (mose + sebthom)
  • fixed cookie : multi-tiki on same domain name have now distinct cookies using siteTitle preference in case of remember me actived
  • fixed a problem with httpPrefix function in some redirects
  • fixed cookie name and session name for users so it's localized with siteTitle preference (avoiding sliding auth between tikis hosted under same domain)
  • fixed the bug (newline bug) where wiki plugins (e.g. {BOX}, {SPLIT}) ignored "end of line" character in the content and didn't convert it to "<br />" (caused displaying the block of text on one line)

Page last modified on Wednesday 22 October 2003 23:27:37 GMT-0000

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