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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


This release of Tikiwiki also closes some of the final outstanding security issues that didnt make it into 1.8.2 and also carry on the bugfix and slight feature backporting from 1.9 aka HEAD branch.

Oliver Hertel was the coordinator of this release (3rd of June 2004).

Some links for more information about this release

Upgrade instructions

  • backup your tiki files
  • backup your tiki database
  • get the tiki archive and extract it
  • copy files over your existing tiki
  • rerun ./setup.sh to make your all file/directory permissions are as needed
  • done 😊

Changes since 1.8.2

Bugs known to have been introduced

  • PluginSQL with MSSQL stopped working, putting lib/tikidblib.php from 20040402 works again (reported here but in spanish). Not sure if that happens with more databases.


  • When an object is deleted, all objects of the same type lose custom permissions. Chealer9
    Revision 1.373.2.43 of tikilib.php fixes that bug with this diff.

Resolved bugs and misbehaviors


  • damian.css - a style which uses a horizontal phplayer menu for the basis of its navigation Damian
  • Individual images in galleries can now be categorised! Damian
  • RSS: New 'refresh' button on admin page for external rss feeds ohertel
  • SF RFE: 887918 - RSS Feed for directories ohertel
  • New module! Top Forum Posters! ModuleTopForumPosters damian
    shows avatar, name and number of posts
  • New Wikiplugin - {FLASH()} for displaying SWF content in a wiki enabled area. PluginFlash - damian
    takes movie, height, width, quality as parameters
  • tikibot : now an add content in wikipages using irc hook mose
  • New Wikiplugin - AGENTINFO --> PluginAgentInfo damian
  • Template modifications patvdv
    • Changed the way individual object/page permisisons are highlighted. Instead of using round brackets '()' now using a separate icon (green coloured key: Image )
  • Added a variable in general admin panel to setup the url of the help website linked to that ? question mark in admin pages mose
  • template modifications patvdv
    • changed class 'link' to 'linkbut' where appropriate (tiki-pagepermissions, tiki-objectpermissions, tiki-adminusers, tiki-admingroups, tiki-assignuser, tiki-assignpermission)
    • added 'return to gallery' button when editing an image (tiki-edit_image)
    • Added some 'nowraps' in action icon columns and changed the order of some the action icons to standardize (config, edit/delete, perms)

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:15:34 GMT-0000

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