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Tiki 7.0 Release Notes

Release Notes
information This document includes important information about Tiki 7.0. Please review this information when installing (or upgrading to) this release.

For Tiki support, please use the forums.

What's New

Some major new features include:

See http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki7 for complete details.


If this is your first installation ever of Tiki, welcome to the Tiki Community!

You'll find details about installing Tiki in the Tiki Installation Guide.


Important Changes

Tiki 7 introduces several major changes from prior versions. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, you should be aware of the following:

  • Extensive changes to Trackers as part of the on-going Tracker Re-vamp. If you are using trackers, make sure to do a test upgrade and test everything with latest available release of 7.x before you upgrade.
    • for example, Tracker field IDs and names may have changed. and to improve consistency, all tracker fields now use ins_XX, where XX is the fieldId.
      If you use custom jQuery or other code with trackers, you will need to update the code to reflect this change.

  • Extensive changes to Module use and management.
  • Custom header and footer areas in themes have been replaced with modules.
  • The wiki plugin parser has been revamped to be more future-proof and powerful. However, it tends to be less permissive of incorrectly formatted syntax. So if a plugin was working in 6, but not in 7, check the syntax to see if it's correct. You could have a quote or parenthesis missing.

PHP 5.1 support dropped
The minimal version of PHP required by Tiki was raised from 5.1 to 5.2. Systems with PHP 5.1 should upgrade PHP or keep using Tiki 6, which will be supported until approximately 2013.

Introduction to upgraders from old versions

If you are migrating to Tiki7 from Tiki versions earlier than Tiki6, you are encouraged to read first the pages describing the changes introduced in earlier versions of Tiki, such as:


Remember these steps if you are upgrading from a previous version up to 7.

  1. Read the general Upgrade notes, if you haven't done so in the last few years.
  2. Remember to run setup.sh again (if you have console access).
  3. Beware of changes in modules and their management:
  4. Check these two pages for notes specific on upgrading your theme style:
    Keep in mind that your Custom site header might be gone, in which case you'll need to manually re-do it using module management.

    In other cases, custom top bar code or other custom sections you had coded in Admin Home > Look & Feel > General Layout Options might be misplaced. If so, go to Admin > Modules and set the proper order of the modules (see Theme Header Modules for more information on the proper order for header modules).
  5. You might need to re-approve some of your plugin calls.
    Go to http://yourdomain/tiki-plugins.php as admin and approve them all (after revision, if needed, as always)

Known Issues

You should be aware of the following issues when upgrading to Tiki7 from prior versions:

  • Forums: When using the non-WYSIWYG mode, the New Forum Topic textarea default size is only 1 row tall and 12 characters wide. You can enlarge (click+drag) the textarea as needed, to accommodate longer topics.
    This issue will be fixed in Tiki 7.1.
  • Comments: When editing an existing comment, Tiki displays the following error:
    Fatal error: Call to a member function numRows() on a non-object in ...lib/comments/commentslib.php on line 2101
    This issue will be fixed in Tiki 7.1.
  • Instances of HTML plugins may need to be re-approved. You can approve them individually, or select multiple plugins to approve from the tiki-plugins.php page. See http://doc.tiki.org/Plugin+Security for details.


Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:22:40 GMT-0000

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