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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Renamer script

Hey, I saw on mods.tiki.org a forums thread about renaming tiki to something else...

I had hacked together a scipt to do that, so please feel free to use...

See the attachments. I have tested this with 1.8.2, but it should work with any Tikiwiki version.


replace all Tiki prefixes and references in code and sql.


apply on fresh cvs checkout, recreate new db after hack.

if you want to use it on existing db, then drop db into changing dir, and run rename/replace scripts, then pipe db back...

check it out...

you may want to put renamer.sh in /usr/local/bin
and the script in your local folder containing a tikiwiki directory

edit renameTiki.sh to your needs, especially the MOD variable in the beginning...



It is possible to achieve similar results using a combination of webserver rewrite rules and smarty output filters. See TikiWikiRewriteRule and SEFURLs for one way to do this with the Apache webserver.

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:23:55 GMT-0000

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