"Central European Summer Time" TikiFest 2015
This TikiFest happened in the week between July 4th (Saturday) and 12th (Sunday) 2015.
Below follows the log of stuff as it happened:
Preliminary schedule:
- Saturday 4th - Arrivals (who comes earlier will have time for sightseeing/walk in Prague with us) and later in the day departure by train to final destination - alternatively you can arrive on Thursday/Friday already and book a hotel/hostel in Prague; then go with us on Saturday
- Sunday 5th - "Aclimatization" and resting day after all the travelling in the TikiHouse + planning details for the upcoming week
- ...
- Thursday 9th - Tiki presentation to public in PoliÄka at the Pontopolis o.s. (NGO) center (first public presentation of the project in Czech Republic afaik )
- Friday and Saturday evening - festing at the Colourmeeting Festival
- Sunday 12th - Final day - departures to Prague, etc.
Detailed Schedule
All times in CEST!
If you are in Japan/Thailand: add 7h
If you are in Sao Paulo: subtract 5h
If you are in US Eastern: subtract 6h
If you are in US Central: subtract 7h
Virtual Whiteboard
We are experimenting with Together JS simultaneous edit. Give it a try at TikiFestCEST-whiteboard. We'll also be projecting the actual whiteboard via a camera.
Sunday 5th July
Recording of agenda construction session
1500 - 1800 Planning of detailed schedule for the rest of the week
Monday 6th July
1000 - 1230: info.tiki.org Planning Discussion Recording of info.tiki.org planning discussion)
1430 - 1600: Bootstrap Navbar Discussion Recording of Bootstrap Navbar discussion
1600 - 1800: Nelson, Jean-Marc and Luci to prepare for public presentation.
Tuesday 7th July
1100 - 1400: Add-ons presentation (Nelson - Organic Groups) and Q+A Presentation about Addons and Organic Groups
1500 - 1800: Trip to Polom and KaÅon quarry lake swimming near LeÅ”tinka u SkutÄe
post 1800: Add-ons hacking.
Wednesday 8th July
1100 - 1200: CRM and what we can learn from Atlassian JIRA (Gezza) (No recording due to customer confidentiality reasons)
1200 - 1330: PluginList and PluginCustomsearch presentation and Q+A (reminder to Nelson show new articles listing and tpls) Recording of PluginList and Q and A
1500 - 1800: D3.js presentation and follow-up discussion, follow up discussion on UX/UI dashboard (drag and drop etc). Recording of D3.js presentation and discussion
Thursday 9th July
1100 - 1330: Client-side "local storage" and general JS
1500 - 1600: Docker-based (and generally VM based turnkey installers of Tiki, eg. turnkeylinux)
1800: Presentation in Policka about Tiki
Friday 10th July
1100 - 1600: Working on tiki.org sites (and any followup discussion on that), include implementing registration spam protection and user feedback/welcome.
1600: Head out to local music festival
Saturday 11th July
1100 - 1400: Any other business, followed by heading out to local music festival
In central Europe, Czech Republic, the "Highlands" area near the beautiful walled town PoliÄka ( see: https://www.google.com/search?q=mÄsto+PoliÄka or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PoliÄka and https://maps.google.com/maps?q=PoliÄka ). Some tourism info here: http://www.czechtourism.com/t/policka/
- How to improve bug reports, bug fixing and development workflow using team notifications
- Tiki Theming and best practices
- Bootstrap as used in Tiki
- Advanced usage of Tiki Plugins especially Plugin LIST training (Jonny?)
- Please yes +1
- Code sprint to finalize the Tiki 14 and 15 Bootstrapizing ?
- Some Tiki promotion for central Europe / Czech Republic people ?
We can book local club (need to check soon if it is still free in that week) in theater for $50-150 USD for a public presentation(s) of Tiki - details: http://www.divadelniklub.cz/o-klubu/ (czech, KÄ 1000 (CZK) ~= $50 USD)Alternatively wecouldwill do just a small one in localLibrary, Museum orPontopolis Center...
- Some nature trip(s) and/or sightseeing to clear our heads off the code
- Lot of freshly milled coffee and local brewery beers! š
- In the end of the week there is two day multicultural music festival we can visit and enjoy: http://www.colourmeeting.cz/?_=en
- If there is interest, Jyhem could make a half-day crash course on Tiki-D3.js integration. If even more interest, we might brainstorm about D3.js Tiki plugins for pie charts or bar charts (this latter part would certainly be best after pluginList training or where would the data come from?)
- Cool, +1!
Yeah +100 !
- Cool, +1!
- Tiki.org sites rejuvenation
- Upgrade info.tw.org to Tiki 14
- Plan and do some content reorganization
- Implement and enhance Organic Groups Addon
- Plan and enhance streamlined notifications
- Possible topics for discussion/action:
- Making the site header (navbar) more responsive - strategies to feature-ize easy site header/navbar admin. Can the "super-module fluffy" do it? Or is some template revision needed? Can multiple menus be combined, or alternative menu types be available ("slidebars")?
- Should dropdowns of all menus open on hover rather than click? (So Bootstrap and Superfish menus behave the same.)
- gezzaz topics:
- discuss about moving to Zend Framework 2 (also ZF3 comes soon)
- how to have a drag&drop, visual, easy-to-use tracker screen editor, screen schemes, etc using bootstrap grid, listplugin and other tools already in Tiki
- CRM as an addon
- dashboards/metrics/reports
- translation via transifex and turn languages into addons
- addon "marketplace" (maybe create addon.tiki.org)
- more ideas welcome! ...
What power plugs are used in Czech Republic
What we need to figure out
data projector (to be borrowed or gezza can bring one if he comes)āwhite boardādo we need to buy/borrow a coffee machine or a couple of french-presses will make it?āTorsten will bring the Tiki bannerāTiki shirts are on the way! (thanks Marc)ā
Lost & Founds
Some left-overs after the TikiFest. Add your name if you are missing them š
- CocaCola zero AutoGrill limited edition thermo bottle
- Dark grey long sleeve t-shirt
People confirmed
- luci (the organizer)
- Jean-Marc Libs
- Arriving by plane early afternoon on Thursday the 2nd, staying in Prague Thu & Fri, return flight Sunday 12th evening
- Jonny Bradley Booked! š
- Arriving late on Thursday the 2nd, staying in Prague Thu & Fri, return flight Sunday 12th evening
- Nelson Ko Wife is coming along so I won't stay at the TikiHouse. We will come to the Tiki house (should be there around noon, but will call before coming so don't worry if you are out for lunch or whatever) from Prague on Sunday morning, should be there before noon, and will leave on the next Sunday back to Prague.
- amette
- Torsten Fabricius likely coming Saturday night / Sunday morning and leaving Thursday afternoon (depending on train connections Prgue-PoliÄka-Prague
(booking bus next Monday)booked š !.
need D3.js and LIST enlightenment and am highly interested in getting tiki.org landing page and info.tiki.org sorted
is it possible to schedule these topics to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1st half?- yes, we will definitely plan that on Sunday — luci
- gezza 99.9%, will come by car on Sunday, will try to get there by 15:00. Will have to leave wednesday evening. Can bring projector for these days but can't leave it there š
- Great! No need to bring the projector, we will have one - you can bring it only if you like to offer it as a backup one (in case something happens). Thanks! —
- ...
- add yourself by writing your username one line above
People interested
- Frank Guthausen depending on job situation
- ...
- add yourself by writing your username one line above
People participating remotely
- Gary Cunningham-Lee Can't make the journey, but will be on line.
- Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Will do my best to be online.
- Brent Ashley I will review videos of morning sessions and be online as I can for later ones.
- ...
- add yourself by writing your username one line above
How to get there, etc.
If we all meet in Prague, there is no worries how to get there as we will go by train all together most probably.
Anyway, we can add some tips how to get there for the adventure souls who wish to get to the destination on their own š
- International flights to Prague, Vaclav Havel (formerly RuzynÄ) airport.
luci can pick up people at the airport if the timetable of ppl's arrivals is reasonable.(As everyone seems to come on their own and stay few days in Prague prior to going to TikiFest, luci will not pick up ppl at the airport). See Prague section below on how to get to the center and around.- For flights see e.g. Cheap flights LON-PRG on Kayak.com
- For People coming from Europe, here are some travelling options:
- Bus (cheaper) to Prague (or Brno - luci can pick up people only in one place though, so Prague seems the most probable destination for abroad people š)
- Train (more comfortable) to Prague (or Brno, same note as above)
- Czech Railways: http://www.cd.cz/en/default.htm
- Own car or bike (Torsten ? š)
To move in Prague (you will need some little cash probably so maybe first get some CZK (Czech crowns or KÄ), especially to get from the airport (There should be some ATMs at the Airport at gate D (Terminal 1).):
- There is a comfortable public transportation (DPP) "Airport Express" for 60 CZK (Public transport tickets are NOT VALID on Airport Express!) bus going to the center (central Railway station) or to connections to subway (bus 100 or 119) which goes then to center too - generally it is not recommended to use taxi in Prague unless you are overpacked with stuff! (taxi is not worth of the money - the prices are horrible!) - tickets can be bought from driver (Airport Express) or in ticket vending machines using cash (CZK)
or via mobile (pay by SMS)(appears by SMS you can pay only if you own one of the Czech operators SIM card so not very useful for us)- More about the tickets here: http://www.prague.fm/5862/public-transport-tickets/
- More info about the Prague tranportation in general at the DPP site: http://www.dpp.cz/en/public-transit-to-prague-airport/
- Additional useful info about public transportation: http://www.myczechrepublic.com/prague/prague-airport-bus.html and here: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g274707-s303/Prague:Czech-Republic:Public.Transportation.html
- Then there is the LiftAGo service - sounds like a good alternative to nasty and expensive taxi: https://www.liftago.com/
Pre-TikiFest (Prague)
Some people will come 1-2 days early so lets put some accomodation options for Prague here...
TikiFest (PoliÄka)
There will be one shared "TikiHouse" in a village close to PoliÄka at least for up to around 6-8 people available. Other options depend on the number of participants.
For people preferring hotels and other sort of accommodation, here are some local options:
- http://www.upurkmistra.cz/en/
- http://www.penzionotakar.cz/en/index.php
- http://www.ubytovani-fortna.cz/ (CZ only)
- http://parkany.cz/ubytovani/ (CZ only)
- http://penzionnachalupe.cz/ubytovani.php (CZ only - this is closest to the TikiHouse)
- http://www.penzion239.cz/ (CZ only)
- http://www.penzionadela.cz/ (CZ only)
- http://www.ubytovani-policka.cz/ubytovani/ (CZ only)
- http://www.hotelopus.cz/ (Google Translate option)
- http://www.aldamobil.cz/informace-o-ubytovani (CZ only, in private)
- http://ubytovani-policka.mypage.cz/menu/domovska-stranka (CZ only, in private)
- http://ubytovani-policka.sweb.cz/ (CZ only, in private)
(if you need translation help, please contact me ā )
Central European Summer Time TikiFest 2015