Tiki 3.1 released
Gary Cunningham-Lee -In another step forward, Tiki 3.1 has been released. Once again, thanks to the users for providing feedback, to the developers for their code contributions, to the Quality Team for their careful checking of commits, and to everyone else in the TikiWiki community who helped out. Tiki 3.1 is available at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258&package_id=312463&release_id=692872
Tiki 3.1 contains a large number of significant function and display fixes and improvements in areas including trackers, search, permissions, calendars, forums, wiki page staging, wiki plugins, mail functions, translations, interface elements such as buttons, Smarty templates checking, and improvements in individual themes. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog file.