Collaborative web conferencing with Tiki and BigBlueButton
Rick -Since the initial integration of BigBlueButton (BBB) into Tiki (first introduced in Tiki 5.0), the Tiki and BBB communities have become strategic partners. Each release of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware has featured tighter integration, and the Tiki Community extensively dogfoods BBB at each TikiFest.
In this video, Marc Laporte, a member of the Tiki Community and Fred Dixon of Blindside Networks discuss the integration of BigBlueButton within the Tiki infrastructure. Blindside Networks is dedicated to helping universities, colleges, and commercial companies deliver a high-quality learning experience to remote students.
You can try out the BigBlueButton and Tiki integration at See to learn more about the long-term roadmap for Tiki+BBB integration.
In March 2011, the two communities will hold a joint development session to further improve integration. This will be the second TikiFest to focus on BigBlueButton. See for details.
You can explore the BigBlueButton and Tiki integration and see it in action at See to learn more about the long-term roadmap for Tiki+BBB integration.