tikiwiki.org migration to 1.8

Under the same idea spelled with " eating our own DogFood ", we will now use cvs HEAD version of tikiwiki for tikiwiki.org website. The migration will occur while a shutdown of the website for some minutes to less than one hour, saturday at 11h (am) GMT. The migration process will be live on irc.freenode.net channel #tikiwiki.

Well, it will probably break down some features, as the adodb translation of all queries is not yet finished (but moving fast with an everyday work of redflo and others). I use 1.8 version for some weeks on http://feu.org and I don't have any problem I wasn't able to solve, in my scope of use. At least, it will reveal most things that have to be done. So, you can expect some days of trouble, at least, and some activity all around there, if all goes well.

About 1.7.x

You may have noticed, about 1.7.x branch, that already some fixes have been commited and I guess we now need a or a 1.7.3, maybe next week. Chealer proposed to deal with that as he's on hollidays and will be avalaible. Thanks and congrats Chealer ! That release should be minor and only for last ultimate fixes (and maybe some enhancement in the installation process) and eventually languages updates. Translators you get another chance, warm up ! 😊

Community workflow in preparation

I remind each member of the tikiwiki community that the page http://tikiwiki.org/whois (for the curious, it's an apache rewrite-rule that goes to /tiki-g-run_activity.php?activityId=33) is only reachable with proper rights, that includes being in group 'developers' on tikiwiki.org and being with role 'member' in Community galaxia workflow. If your account don't match those attributions, please contact someone with admin rights (any of albrown, ang, gmuslera, luis, marclaporte, mose, pavdv, terence, swf) on tikiwiki.org he could be able fix that.

No more tikinews

Actually that name (TikiNews) was already used by someone, and I didn't get much replies to my last ascii performance, so I'll continue to spread the information anyway, but maybe not under that shape.
