Tiki 10.1, 9.4 LTS and 6.10 LTS released
Oliver Hertel and staff -Tiki 10.1, 9.4LTS, 6.10LTS
- Fix to a security issue during new user validation
- Several fixes in trackers
- Fixes to Lucene search index usage
- Many usability improvements
- Improved translations
Please see http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki10 for complete information about this Tiki version. You can download Tiki 10.1 (and all other releases) from http://tiki.org/download.
Tiki 9.4LTS and 6.10LTS Releases
The Tiki Community also released updates to the two Long Term Support (LTS) versions: Tiki 9.4LTS (31 bug fixes and enhancements) and Tiki 6.10LTS (8 bug fixes). See http://info.tiki.org/Version+lifecycle for details.