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Tiki 6.1 Beta 1 est maintenant disponible

GuyVigneault -

La Communauté Tiki a publié la première version bêta de Tiki 6.1 . Cette version propose de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités, des corrections et des mises à jour. Vous pouvez télécharger Tiki 6.1 bêta 1 directement à partir de SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/Tiki 206.x% 20-Rigel-/ . Pour en savoir plus sur les nouveautés de cette version, voir http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki6 .

Tiki 6.1 Beta 1 Now Available

Rick -

The Tiki Community has released the first beta of Tiki 6.1. This release offers many new features, fixes, and upgrades. You can download the Tiki 6.1 beta 1 directly from SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/Tiki%206.x%20-Rigel-/ . To learn more about what's new in this release, see http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki6.

The entire Tiki Community is encouraged to download and test this latest version. Please report all issue to Tiki Developer's site: http://dev.tiki.org. Additional beta versions will be released, as needed. Look for the final Tiki 6.1 release before the end of 2010.

Tiki administrators are reminded that this is a beta version and may not be suitable for specific production environments.

Tiki Training Day in Quebec City on December 8th

Philippe Cloutier -

A day of training for Tiki will take place in Quebec City on December 8, 2010. The Tiki in Quebec City day is hosted by AFI Expertise and will be in French. People interested in wikis, thinking about starting a Tiki website, already managing one, or ready to start customizing Tiki are welcome.

Journée de formation Tiki à Québec le 8 Décembre

GuyVigneault -

Une journée de formation pour Tiki aura lieu à Québec le 8 Décembre 2010. La journée Tiki à Québec est organisée par AFI Expertise et sera en français. Les personnes intéressées par les wikis, qui envisage de créer un site Tiki, qui en gère déjà un, ou qui sont prêts à commencer à personnaliser leur Tiki sont les bienvenus.

Tiki Featured in FLOSS Weekly Interview

Rick -

Join long-time Tiki Administrator and Tiki Community Software Association board member, Marc Laporte, as he is interviewed on the FLOSS Weekly Podcast on December 29.

The show will be taped live, with host Randal Schwartz, from 9:30am - 10:45am PDT (LA is UTC-8 hrs so it means it will be 17:30 in UK) and will be visible at http://live.twit.tv. A live IRC chat room (http://irc.twit.tv) will also be available.

See http://twit.tv/FLOSS for details.

TikiFest London Wrapup

Rick -
TikiFest London
TikiFest London ended last week, making several important contributions to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This code sprint saw:
  • Implementation discussions of a Tiki Project Management feature
  • Planning the Tiki Tracker Revamp
  • Exploration of the removal of deprecated features (such as PHPLayersMenu, Image Galleries, and Xajax)

For complete details of TikiFest London, see http://tiki.org/TikiFestLondon6.

Several other TikiFests are planned in the upcoming months, including the Summer 2011 Tiki Tour. See the Tiki Community calendar at http://info.tiki.org/Calendar and the main TikiFest page at http://tiki.org/tikifest for details.

Elsewhere in Europe, Tiki Community members are proud to announce the formation of the German Language Tiki Users Group. One of the first goals of this group will be to use Tiki's interactive translation feature to continue to improve the German version of Tiki. For details on the Tiki internationalization project, see http://i18n.tiki.org. For more information on (or to join) the German Language User Group, see http://tiki.org/GLUG.

TikiFest Berlin Wrap-up

Rick -
TikiFest Berlin
The Tiki Community completed its most recent TikiFest (code sprint) in Berlin last week. TikiFest Berlin (co-located with WikiFestBLN Nov 12-14 in Berlin, Germany) provided an opportunity for Tiki developers, end-users, and supporters to meet and plan the future of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

Many topics were discussed and much work was done for the upcoming Tiki 6.1 release including:

  • Improving Tiki.org server infrastructure
  • Gentoo build for Tiki distribution
  • WYSIWYG strategy
  • Non-interactive TRIM (Tiki Remote Instance Manager)
  • Multi-level content and Tiki structures, based on perspectives and dynamic groups
  • Registration procedures for parent-child and teacher-student scenarios

Announcing the Release of Tiki 6

Rick -

The Tiki Community is proud to announce the release of Tiki 6. This version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware represents hundreds of hours of work by dozens of members of the Tiki Community. Nearly 50 developers contributed more than 1,500 code changes for this release.

In addition to countless tweaks and updates, Tiki 6 includes several new, key features:

  • Extensive re-work and improvements to the Tiki blog, comments, spreadsheets and tracker features
  • Batch functions (via cron jobs)
  • Introduction of re-Captcha
  • Expanded support of ccLite community currencies
  • Integration with social networks such as Facebook
  • Improved WYSIWYG support
  • and much, MUCH more.

For complete information on all of the new features and functionality in this release, see http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki6.

Tiki 6 has been designated as the Long Term Support (LTS) version, replacing Tiki 3 LTS. Tiki 3 will reach end of life when Tiki 7.1 will be released (planned for April 2011). See the Project Roadmap for details.

You can download Tiki 6 directly from SourceForge. Refer to the Tiki 6 release notes for additional information.

Support Tiki in the 2010 Open Source CMS Market Share Survey

Rick - - ( Reads)

The 2010 Open Source CMS Market Share survey by water&stone is now open. The survey will be used to gather data for the third annual Open Source CMS Market Share Report. This is YOUR chance to help the Tiki Community grow.... and it only takes a few minutes. By participating in the survey, you can receive an advance copy of the final report.

While development and community activity has been quite high over the life of Tiki, (with 200+ code contributors, 800,000+ downloads, 50+ events, and such) until recently little effort had been put on Tiki branding and communications.

In the 2009 report, the authors stated that Tiki faces "...significant challenges in terms of brand strength and market share." The report went on say that "...it seems clear that if steps are not taken to stop the slide in interest levels and boost use, then the project faces significant challenges

In the past year, the Tiki Community has taken significant steps to improve the Tiki brand, visibility, and interest. Completing the survey and indicating your support for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware will help to strengthen the Tiki Community.

Take the survey today, and support Tiki!

Release Candidate for Tiki 6 Now Available

Rick -

The Tiki Community is proud to announce the immediate availability of the Tiki 6.0 Release Candidate (RC1). The Tiki 6 release, originally scheduled for the end of October, has been delayed in order to include several important improvements, including:

  • Enhancements in WYSIWYG editing
  • WebDAV with PHP5 using CGI
  • Ajax refinements
  • User interface
  • Some regression bug fixes

You can download the RC directly from SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/Tiki%206.x%20-Rigel-/ . Although this RC is expected to be a true representation of the final Tiki 6.0, Tiki administrators are reminded that this is a release candidate version and may not be suitable for specific production environments.

See http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki6 for more information on major enhancements and changes regarding this release.