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Tiki Passes 900,000 Downloads on SourceForge.net

Rick -

To ring in the new year, Tiki has achieved a significant milestone! Since its initial release in 2002, there have been more than 900,000 downloads of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware from SourceForge.net.

Remarkably, this achievement was reached with little or no commercial support. Unlike other open source projects, Tiki is 100% community supported — there is no commercial entity in charge of Tiki.

Even More Installations
In addition to SourceForge.net, Tiki is available from many other other sources, making its true install base impossible to calculate. In September 2010, Tiki was added to the Windows Web App Gallery as part of the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. In four short months, Tiki has obtained over 10,000 installs. Tiki is also available as a one-click install from many popular control panel applications such as Fantastico, script managers such as SimpleScripts, and virtual appliances such as JumpBox.

Tiki Sheets: feuille de calcul de type Wiki

GuyVigneault -

Tiki Sheets (feuille de calcul de type wiki) a subi une amélioration spectaculaire depuis l'introduction dans Tiki Wiki Groupware CMS 1,9 en 2004. Tiki 6.1 (publié en Décembre 2010) a introduit un grand nombre d'améliorations à la fonction, y compris:

* Capacité d'utiliser pleinement la syntaxe wiki Tiki dans les feuilles
* fonctions mathématiques avancées
* Formatage complète des cellules et pages, y compris des graphiques
* Intégrer les données dans une feuille de calcul avec une page wiki (via un plugin)
* Examen / comparer l'historique des versions des feuilles
* Copiez et collez à partir de MS-Excel et OO-Calc

Tiki Sheets: Spreadsheets, the Wiki Way

Rick -

Tiki Sheets (a wiki-based spreadsheet solution) have undergone dramatic improvements since first being introduced in Tiki Wik CMS Groupware 1.9 in 2004. Tiki 6.1 (released December 2010) introduced a host of improvements to the feature, including:

  • Ability to fully use Tiki's wiki syntax within sheets
  • Advanced math functions
  • Full cell and sheet formatting, including charts
  • Integrate the data from a spreadsheet with a wiki page (via the Sheet plugin)
  • Review/compare version history of sheets
  • Copy and paste from MS-Excel and OO-Calc

Tiki 5.4 Update Released

Rick -

The Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware project has released Tiki 5.4. This release includes minor fixes and updates only.

All Tiki administrators and site maintainers should be aware that the release of Tiki 5.4 marks the end of the life cycle and active development of the Tiki 5.x branch — no additional 5.x releases are planned.

Active development continues on the 6.x branch, which will become the LTS (long term support) version, following the release of Tiki 7 (planned for April, 2011). Please see http://dev.tiki.org/Version+lifecycle for more information.

Tiki encourages all 5.x sites to upgrade to 5.4 and to plan for migration to Tiki 6 or Tiki 7. You can download Tiki 5.4 (and all Tiki releases) from http://tiki.org/download.

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 6.1

GuyVigneault -

La Communauté Tiki est fière d'annoncer la disponibilité immédiate de Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 6.1 . Cette mise à jour comprend plus de 250 modifications du code écritent par 20 membres de la communauté Tiki. Bien que ces mises à jour soit principalement des corrections et des améliorations de fonctions existantes, il existe plusieurs nouveaux éléments que les administrateurs Tiki se feront un plaisir de voir, y compris:

Tiki Releases 6.1 Update

Rick -

The Tiki Community is proud to announce the immediate availability of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 6.1. This update includes over 250 code changes by nearly 20 Tiki Community members. Although these updates are primarily fixes and improvements to existing features, there are several new items that Tiki administrators will be happy to see, including:

  • Continued upgrades for WYSIWYG editing
  • Default toolbars include a new button to easily select a file (after file upload, if needed), and it's name and link are added to the textarea of that wiki page, forum, blog, etc.
  • A new admin panel for Clipperz online password management
  • Improvements to CSS inclusion for newsletters
  • Many translation updates (from Tiki's interactive translation feature)
  • New and improved plugins for third-party media (such as Vimeo, Blip.tv, and YouTube) and generic buttons.
  • Updated plugin interface
  • New module: Tracker help
  • Export or show a wiki page in text-only format (useful to be used with Pretty Trackers)
  • Static text fields in Trackers can be sent with wiki-parsed text in notification emails.
  • New language.js file added to language folders to assist in translation of text and UI elements used in JavaScript functions.
  • and more!

See the Release Notes and the Tiki6 document for complete details on this release. All Tiki administrators are encouraged to upgrade to this latest release. You can download Tiki 6.1 from http://tiki.org/download.

Une solution Wiki réellement multilingue

GuyVigneault -

La Communauté Tiki est fier d'annoncer la sortie de sa deuxième vidéo promotionnelle:

Comment faire une véritable solution multi-langue?

Dans cette vidéo, enregistrée en Mars 2010, Philippe Cloutier, un consultant Tiki, parle des fonctionnalités multilingues et des capacités de Tiki Wiki Groupware CMS. Il explique les différences entre l'approche multilingue de Tiki et d'autres systèmes de wiki.