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TikiWiki Announces Tiki 5.0 Beta

Rick -

The Beta release of the latest generation of Tiki CMS/Groupware is now available. This 5.0 Beta includes many new features and functionality, including:

  • New themes (skins)
  • Many fixes and updates
  • Beta release of Tiki workspaces
  • Beta release of shopping cart and payments

Tiki Community members are encouraged to download and explore this new release. You can obtain the Beta (as well as all other Tiki releases) from http://tikiwiki.org/download. For information on this and future Tiki plans, see http://dev.tikiwiki.org/roadmap.

TikiWiki Announces Tiki 5.0 Alpha... and more!

Rick -

TikiWiki CMS/Groupware has released the first public build of the next-generation release of Tiki. Labeled as Tiki 5.0 Alpha, this latest release includes updates, fixes, and a host of brand new features including:

  • Tiki workspaces
  • Shopping cart and payments
  • WebDAV connectivity
  • New themes and skins

Tiki Community members, testers, and early adopters can download the 5.0 Alpha release from SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/. Please note that this Alpha release is for testing only and should not be used for production sites. Daily builds are also available from http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Daily+Build.

Tiki Announces 3.5 and 4.2 Releases

Rick -

Tiki has released updates for both current release branches: 3.5 and 4.2. Both updates include bug fixes, feature polishing, and security updates1 All Tiki sites are strongly encouraged to update to the latest version to take advantage of security fixes and updates. See http://tikiwiki.org/download to determine which branch (3.x or 4.x) best suits your needs.

Tiki 4.0 has been released

Marc Laporte -

Hot on the heels of Tiki 3.3, Tiki 4.0 has been released. As usual, this new release brings tons of new features.

This release is the result of long months of hard work by a large number of contributors. Final touches were done during the week-long TikiFest in Montreal, Canada.

Tiki 4.0 Beta1 has been released

Marc Laporte -

Hot on the heels of Tiki 3.3, Tiki 4.0 Beta1 has been released. As usual, this new release brings tons of new features.

  • Not recommended for upgrading production sites.
  • OK for new projects as official Tiki4 will be out shortly and upgrades are easy.

Tiki 3.3 now available

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

Further polishing Tiki 3, the TikiWiki developers have released version 3.3. This release includes wiki syntax and plugin fixes, strengthened security, and improvements in language translations and visual display, among many others.

Tiki 3.2 released

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

With 200 new fixes and enhancements, Tiki 3.2 is now available. Features and functions improved in this release include modules, plugins, newsletters, browser support, calendars, overall interface and language, and many more.

Tiki 3.1 released

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

In another step forward, Tiki 3.1 has been released. Once again, thanks to the users for providing feedback, to the developers for their code contributions, to the Quality Team for their careful checking of commits, and to everyone else in the TikiWiki community who helped out. Tiki 3.1 is available at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258&package_id=312463&release_id=692872

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