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Re: Why tikiwiki isn't well known

posts: 38 United States


Since no one else has responded, I thought I would, even though I'm not a "real" Tiki developer. (Yet.)

Your suggestions for contact management and calendar are interesting. However, I think this would be useful primarily if there was synchronizing software with PDAs. Perhaps PilotManager (http://pilotmanager.sourceforge.net/) could serve as a starting point.

> Email checking for new messages. Many of have email accounts that use through a pop server. It could be possible tikiwiki to access mailbox and check to see if new mail exists, and download it if necessery!

I wouldn't personally use this — I like a separate mail client — but others might, I suppose.
> Calculator! Put a calculator in a box and place it at lower right, or left, corner. At work, some time of the day users need a calculator and have to open windows calculator to use.

There is a calculator module available already, I believe.

> Use the RSS information. It would be extremly useful if, upon request, a page could be created from RSS information. It could have the look of the first page of a news agency portal, but categorized! That was when I visit this page I can see concisely news information from 5-6 sites I am interested without visiting them and searching for new articles!

This is existing functionality.


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