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imagegal slideshow plugin wanted

posts: 38 United States


I would like to be able to use a plugin to display the contents of an image gallery in a slideshow format, e.g. as shown on this page: http://www.barelyfitz.com/projects/slideshow/

I've never created a plugin before, so any suggestions are appreciated.... I do write javascript, so I'm thinking of using a very similar approach to that used in this page. But I'd like not to have to do this much coding every time I want to include a slideshow.


posts: 3665 United States

Can you use (or modify) Tiki's own, native slideshow functionality? Might be easier than starting a new module from scratch...




> Hi,
> I would like to be able to use a plugin to display the contents of an image gallery in a slideshow format, e.g. as shown on this page: http://www.barelyfitz.com/projects/slideshow/
> I've never created a plugin before, so any suggestions are appreciated.... I do write javascript, so I'm thinking of using a very similar approach to that used in this page. But I'd like not to have to do this much coding every time I want to include a slideshow.
> edalton

posts: 4670 Japan

Following up on Rick's suggestion, here is an example of a wiki page with an iframe (made with plugin) loading the URL for a Tiki gallery (the same view as when you hit the pop-up link for a gallery image).

This simple method will display a slideshow, but of course it doesn't have the more elaborate navigation system and text captions that the barelyfitz slideshow has. That way could also be done probably, but would be a bit involved since all that image information needs to be in the page header. Normally Tiki pages all have the same header, so the trick would be to have it load only on the page where the slideshow is. Every wiki page is identified by the variable $page, so a Smarty filter in templates/header.tpl can be used to include the needed lines for the slideshow page. See mooShow for a (currently not working) example. As of Tiki 1.9.5 or so, there is also logic in header.tpl to load external javascript files dynamically, but I haven't tried using it yet.

-- Gary