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Features / Usability

Re: Single TikiWiki - Multiple Sites

posts: 3665 United States

Do you mean running two completely separate sites (each with their own database) on the same physical web server? That's very easy.

  1. Create a separate MySQL database for each "site"
  2. Install the Tiki zip into a separate subdirectory for each "site"
  3. Run the installer for each "site" and select the appropriate database.

Or you can use subdomains to accomplish the same thing. Two of my tikis http://www.stc-carolina.org/newsletter and http://www.stc-carolina.org are running on the same webserver — but are two separate sites.



> Hi All,
> I want to know whether we can create multiple sites from the same TikiWiki server. For example, if we have installed WikiServer, can we create two separate sites named "Development" and "Testing" from the same server, which could be accessed by the following URLs:
> - http://WikiServer/Development/tiki-index.php
> - http://WikiServer/Testing/tiki-index.php
> Suggestions are most welcome!
> Regards,
> Arun Bamania

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