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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: Re: Re: "Register as a new user" does not excecute - config error? or bug in v. ?

posts: 19 Germany

> > Test 12: Hoster totalchoice.com = shared hosting - Fantastico = in ladenx.com/tik
> > ---------------------------
> I was able to register and login to http://www.ladenx.com/tik/tiki-index.php with Firefox 2 on Windows XP.
> Please see screenshot, M 😉

It is NOW working for me, too. From Firefox for http://www.ladenx.com/tik/tiki-index.php
- Did NOT work 3 hours ago...

First, where can I vote in favor of your right for a later luxury home within Paradise? 😊

Second, I tried to figue out how you reconfigured to make it run, and did not find reconfiguration in the admin config menus where expected. Which / where is my silly configuration error?

I could of course continue running TIKIWIKI on the initial test installation http://ladenx.com/tik
Anyway, will keep it active for reserve + comparison.

But so far it was intended to place TIKIWIKI on http://aaa.terra-unika.com/tik/
and this does not yet work, I just tested it again.
If a one-time-use via WIN-XP might unfreeze the problem, then I could of course settle it myself that way. But I already tried these days some alternate access (from Nokia 9500 Communicator via WLAN), and had the same problem. So I think it is a silly configuration detail which I did wrong?

Once that all is settled, I will do my best to add corresponding information on the doc's. So others and TIKIWIKI will benefit from this experience.

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