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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: "Register as a new user" does not execute - test state: "first user" aspect

posts: 19 Germany

State of tests.

There are 3 new TIKI sites, und user registration works only for 1:

http://terra-unika.com/tik - ...not...
http://terra-unika.com/twk - ...not...
http://ladenx.com/tik - only here it works, but only because...

Config. settings have been compared 1 by 1
- no difference to state among the 2 versions .../tik/
Permissions (dir's, files) have been checked as far as considered significant. No signif. difference found.

Tiki logs checked
for ladenx.com/tik where user registration is working now.
The ONLY action to state which resolved the problem:
The first successful user registration was done frome a different PC, and Win XP (not from LINUX Red Hat like used here). - Browser identical, even same browser version.
ONLY AFTERWARDS, additional own user registration worked suddenly and properly.

Now testing is on the way to find the exact problem origin of this strange result.

First test showed: Cookies are probably NOT the reason.

Next test coming now: Other Win XP users will be asked to try to register on the sites where user registration still does not yet work. (This should not be the same PC from which ladenx.com/tik had been ,,unfrozen''.)

Results will be added here. - Opinions and recommendations can be added here. Hopeful to be close to the end of the story... Thanks to marcialaporte 😊 who enabled these next steps of troubleshooting!

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